National Hydration Day
It must have been during my junior year in college that I learned the importance of drinking water. I wish I could say it was because I was interested in physiology and studied how the body works but it was because someone told me that drinking a lot of water helped prevent hangovers. Also at that time, I was participating in beauty pageants so I received the vanity advice: water helps keep the weight off and the skin smooth and blemish-free.
I incorporated the healthy tip of drinking lots of water so long ago, that I don’t even think much about the habit these days. It’s part of who I have been for a long time. Equally, I hadn’t given much thought about those who did not stay hydrated. I just assumed everyone drank at least 8 glasses of water a day. For me, since I drank a gallon a day, the thought of eight cups of water, 8 ounces each, seemed so easy to do. It wasn’t until many years later circa 2010, that I noticed on our summer family vacations that some family members would wake up, drink coffee and start their day. Water wasn’t consumed until lunchtime - maybe a glass or two. Then we would have fun all afternoon which was followed by cocktail hour - always my favorite part of our family vacations. Although Chardonnay and beer may contain water, it’s not enough so the cycle would begin all over again the next day. Long before I met him, my hub was in the habit of drinking lots of water so it has always been the first item we buy whenever we vacation - anytime and anywhere. After that family observation, I sent out an article which illustrated both caffeine and alcohol as diuretics. In other words, for every cup of coffee or alcohol consumed, our bodies eliminate up to eight ounces of water. Mathematically, if we start with one glass of water but drink one cup of coffee we are technically back at square one.
National Hydration Day is celebrated every year on June 23rd. has the following posted on their site in regards to National Hydration Day: “SafeTGard Corporation founded National Hydration Day in honor of football Coach Victor Hawkins (September 1, 1964 – June 23, 2012) who invented a mouthguard that releases electrolytes to keep his players hydrated during games and practices. This day honors Coach Hawkins’ contributions to athlete health, safety, and success. SafeTGard Corporation founded the day in 2016 to increase awareness of the importance of proper hydration to athletes everywhere.”
Along those lines, water alone is not the only way to stay hydrated. The necessary vitamins to produce healthy amounts of electrolytes in order to stay hydrated can also be found in fruit and veggies, which also contain water. Soda, coffee and alcohol do not have to be the enemies against hydration as long as there is full awareness. It is more important to establish the habit of regularly checking in with the needs of our bodies. We don’t have to be athletes in order to regularly and consistently monitor the loss of hydration. These days, I don’t aim to drink a gallon of water per day like I did for decades. Instead, if I drink a bottle of wine, I drink an equivalent amount of water to bring me back to my starting point. I know, that’s a lot of time in the bathroom but to me, enjoying wine is worth it!
If you need some inspiration to ease into a new habit of staying hydrated, consider fancy cups, water bottles and/or a coffee house treat. My daughter is not very good about drinking water or any liquids for that matter. I nicknamed her The Camel many years ago because she could go the whole day without drinking anything! Now if we fill up a Starbucks cup (see above) with a decaffeinated treat, she is obligated to refill the cup with water after she is finished and drink it throughout the day. It works. The purple thermos above is made of glass and is protected by silicone. I have had two of these for at least 10 years. This bottle goes with me everywhere and it is filled with water 2-3 times a day. My daughter was gifted the yellow, ever-coveted Hydroflask for her birthday and she decorated it with stickers. My goal for her on ballet intensive days is to finish a full bottle by the end of the day. It’s a struggle. She hasn’t accomplished it yet.
Two more inspirational tips for staying hydrated are: 1. Sports drinks - Athletes drink them and so can you. Sure there are a billion varieties to choose from; some healthier than others. The point is to stay hydrated even if you are not an athlete. 2. Texture - If drinking something carbonated motivates us to stay hydrated then by all means, go for it! Consider all the sparkling drinks that are sold everywhere - some are purely flavored water that has been carbonated. Again, there are tons of choices. Some data supports the theory that carbonated drinks are not the healthiest option. However, in my book, staying hydrated is important so it takes precedence over that data.
These Nuun tablets are faves at our house and they take the place of sports drinks. The tablets dissolve in water and we can control how diluted we want the drink to be. Target may sell them but most running stores, Whole Foods and co-ops sell this product and they are usually stocked with many flavors - some with caffeine too.
Consider investing in a carbonate drink maker. It saves money and the earth (less cans + bottles). Plus, we can control what we put into our carbonated drinks. Of all places, we bought this one at the farmer’s market.
Speaking of controlling the ingredients that we put into our water, a squeeze of lemon goes a very long way. Maybe you prefer lime or raspberries or basil or cucumber. The ingredients and combinations of ingredients for homemade flavored water are endless! It may seem like we’re playing mind games with ourselves by flavoring water in order to drink it but it works. If we enjoy the taste of something that we drink, we will most likely drink it again. Soon, the repetition becomes a habit; a healthy habit that ensures hydration.
I bought these water intake stickers at Target because I noticed that a friend had been posting her journey of healthy habits on social media. I thought if she was ever out of the house and couldn’t bring along her super cute mason jar set that she uses to count her water intake, this thoughtful pinch could help her keep track.
On social media, there are plenty of ads for great ways to stay hydrated. I love the following two products.
I bought Hidrate Spark for my daughter. The plan was to sync the water bottle with her phone so that she can keep track of her water intake. When the bottle lights up, it means that it is time to drink. Since I’m not tech savvy and my daughter was not motivated to help me figure this out, we don’t use this for it's intended use. However, I still recommend it to those who are considering buying it. The theory is solid.
My last tip for staying hydrated is to set up a timer on your phone. Set it hourly and make up your own goals. For example: Every hour drink a 1/2 c. of water or if that is too much, try 1/4 c. of water. Soon the influx of fluids will subside and the bathroom visits will be less. I promise!
Our water bottle delivery is usually every two weeks. Since Covid, the delivery has been once a month. We have eighteen 5 gallon water bottles to last us 4 weeks.
I commend anyone who is out there trying to incorporate this healthy habit. Staying hydrated keeps our bodies working at its optimal best, not to mention it helps keep our minds clear. By taking advantage of this national day, we can help those we care about continue to take hydration seriously. Being thoughtful can be something as simple as encouraging and helping others to be aware of National Hydration Day on June 23rd.