
Besides getting late night munchies at Taco Bell or Carl’s Jr. as a teenager and young adult, I never fully appreciated the convenience of a drive-thru until I moved to Minnesota. We had arrived to our new home in August which gave me plenty of time to get the lay of the land while running errands with a baby before the first snow came down in November. It didn’t matter, I still struggled for years whenever I schlepped the baby(s) around for errands.


Are you someone who dreams about winning the lottery but actually never plays it? I used to be one of those people. I would sit and day dream about what I would do with all my winnings. I thought if I just wished hard enough I could win. We all know that the formula for winning the lottery would work better if I actually bought lottery tickets. My chances increase from zero to at least one in a trillion. I remember thinking that all that money would solve all my problems.

Party Pinches

Saying “Goodbye” to friends and family is not fun. In fact, I would advise everyone to avoid it at all costs. Unfortunately, skipping town without hugging friends and telling them how much we care about them is not the best thing to do. So when my friends decided to throw me a, “Not Goodbye” party (a.k.a. See Ya Later Party), I was thrilled. It was such a thoughtful idea. It turns out my kids’ friends had the same idea too. Many of our friends gathered on particular dates in order for my daughter, my son and I to see our friends one last time before we moved. Each event was an amazing experience.