All in Food & Beverages


Today is Valentine’s Day. Let the sweetness flow! Cookies, candy, chocolate, flowers, coffee drinks - all kinds of treats will be exchanged. This is my kind of holiday. Thoughtful pinches are little yet impactful gifts showing thoughtfulness and on Valentine’s Day, there’s a whole range of ways to show it. From free text messages to super fancy engagement rings; anything goes in the name of love!

Sunday Suppers

When I was in my twenties, I would fantasize about being a mother and I always pictured myself pulling a roast out of the oven and feeding my hungry family. But in reality, I’m far from doing that. I have a hub who is rarely home for dinner and when he is home, a roast would not be something he’d eat. I have a vegetarian daughter and I have a son who will eat meat and potatoes but prefers the meat and the potatoes to be prepared by a fast food restaurant, not by his mother.

3 Tips for Intermittent Fasting

Halloween is coming up and I’m always excited to count how many Halloweens ago that I started intermittent fasting. Yup, of all the days that I started this life style, it was on Halloween of 2018!! I’d be very surprised if I ever go back to any other way of living. It’s about time that I shared some of my insight because the experience that I had when I started intermittent fasting is pretty common.

Food Clutter

Today’s post is really a survey. Sometimes, when I am presented with a survey for something that I want to give positive feedback, my intention is to fill it out when I have time. I don’t ever fill it out because I never have time. Oh the guilt surveys bring us! I feel like I’m always letting someone down whenever I don’t fill one out. And yet here I am expecting you to fill out my survey below.

12 Days of My Christmas

For the last fifteen of the 25 years that my hub has been in the NFL, I have stayed put for the holiday season. I was pregnant with our first child 15 years ago and once she came into the world, I became a mom so I didn’t travel anywhere for the holidays because logistically, it didn’t make sense. However, this year, for the first time since I became a mom, I am not home for the holidays.