When you’re in high school, everything you wear (or don’t wear) says something about you. Where I come from, we used the word “poser” whenever someone wore something or acted like someone they were not.
When you’re in high school, everything you wear (or don’t wear) says something about you. Where I come from, we used the word “poser” whenever someone wore something or acted like someone they were not.
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think every episode of the cartoon “Yogi the Bear “ has a scene in which Yogi steals a picnic basket from family campers at Jellystone.
Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd and I wanted to give a break to anyone who feels that they may not be up to society’s earth-friendly standards.
As I am preparing to host a GSD party on April 16, 2019, I am becoming fully aware that I am twice cursed when it comes to giving thoughtful pinches to teachers.
Goodness, when I reflect on my beer days, I realize that I drank a lot of beer when I was younger.