Flip Flops
Nationaldaycalendar.com has an application process in order for each national day to be approved. One of the many reasons why I love this site is that national days cannot be “bought”. Trust me, I tried. Lol. One requirement is that the day cannot contain a business name within the title. For instance, at first I wanted National Thoughtful Pinch Day but after the application was denied, I decided to reapply and ask for National Thoughtful Day. Another example is National Fried Rice Day which was submitted by Benihana who sponsors an annual event that features their delicious fried rice. I’m guessing that it could not be called National Benihana Day but National Fried Rice Day works just as well. I love that Nationaldaycalendar.com shared the following information about how National Flip Flop Day came to be:
“In 2007, Tropical Smoothie Cafe created National Flip Flop Day to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Every year on this date, customers who come into participating Cafes across the nation wearing flip-flops receive a free Jetty Punch Smoothie. Tropical Smoothie then gives proceeds of a $1 paper flip flop from customers to send ill children and their families to Camp Sunshine.
Camp Sunshine is based in Casco, Maine, and their mission is focused solely on addressing the effects of a life-threatening illness on every member of the immediate family — the child, the parents and the siblings. This year-round program is free of charge to families.
In 2015, $1 million was raised by Tropical Smoothie Cafe for Camp Sunshine. The total amount raised since the beginning in 2007 is over $3.7 million making National Flip Flop Day a successful fundraiser for Camp Sunshine.”
Isn’t that a great reason for National Flip Flop Day to exist? Tropical Smoothie Cafe is amazing for using this national day to help so many families. Although you may not live by a Tropical Smoothie Cafe, we can still wear flip flops on the third Friday of every June. This year, National Flip Flop Day is on June 19th. Grabbing a smoothie while wearing flip flops just screams SUMMER! When we celebrate this day, be sure to tell people why this day is so special. Chances are we may know someone who could benefit from either getting a free smoothie or attending Camp Sunshine.
One year I chaired, along with two other moms, the lower school faculty luncheon which took place at the end of the year. {Remember those days when kids went to school?}. After the caterer, florist and linen rentals, I of course insisted on keeping part of the budget for something small (thoughtful pinch) that the teachers could take home with them. We had the tiniest budget to begin with but we managed to squeak out about $1.50 per person after everything else was covered. The theme of our luncheon was relaxing at the beach. On a large screen, we had a wonderful video montage of different beach scenes playing throughout all of the lunch shifts. Another mom made a playlist of summer songs, which we played on a loop and was burned onto a cd for each faculty member to take home. Since we had a dollar leftover for each guest, we bought $1 flip flops for everyone. When each guest arrived, we invited them to change out of their shoes and get comfy in a pair of flip flops. I believe that in itself, was the gift; the chance to relax during lunch wearing flip flops.
So when I learned about National Flip Flop Day, I ran to Dollar Tree again and purchased 15 pairs of flip flops. These thoughtful pinches are just a symbolic gesture rather than a practical gift. In other words, the flip flops will probably last for only a couple of wears. Remember, they cost a $1 each. However the gesture is about the thought or the we wish we have for a friend to have a FLIP FLOP kind of day; relaxed, carefree, casual.
This is my mantra when I’m in Costa Rica.
Hopefully you agree, it’s hard to be stressed or combative in flip flops.
With these red, white and blue - 4th of July themed flip flops - these thoughtful pinches celebrate both Flip Flop Day on 6/19 and right around the corner is 4th of July. 2 pinches for $1.
There are so many other fun prints sold at Dollar Tree but I liked these three because the ocean and pineapples are Summer to me :
Also found these stickers at Dollar Tree. Fun to use them to decorate a card. Perhaps they could give the same effect as giving actual flip flops. Worth a try!
I wrapped this pair up to mail off. It serves as a thank you, Flip Flop Day and July 4th pinch. 3 pinches for 1! Notice the sticker on the card.
I wish I could send each of you a pair of flip flops. Instead, I will simply wish you a Flip Flop kind of day on National Flip Flop Day. Remember all those families who benefit from the thoughtfulness of one company who created this day for the nation to celebrate. Thank you Tropical Smoothie Cafe!