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My math skills are very questionable these days. I thought after 8 years of writing one blog post a week that I would have written at least a post a day for 365 days in a year. Turns out, I wrote 457 posts. I find that to be an accomplishment in itself.

National Houseplant Appreciation Day

Gosh I love learning about national days! I like finding out how thoughtful the founders of national days are and I like that most of the days enhance joy. I clicked on the link for National Houseplant Appreciation Day on the website because I was curious about the story behind this day. I am glad that I did because it confirmed a lot of what I already knew but opened my eyes to other tidbits of information.

Sunday Suppers

When I was in my twenties, I would fantasize about being a mother and I always pictured myself pulling a roast out of the oven and feeding my hungry family. But in reality, I’m far from doing that. I have a hub who is rarely home for dinner and when he is home, a roast would not be something he’d eat. I have a vegetarian daughter and I have a son who will eat meat and potatoes but prefers the meat and the potatoes to be prepared by a fast food restaurant, not by his mother.

The Knock on the Door

In 2020 I started the process with to have an official day of National Thoughtful Day. One of my efforts was writing a plea in a post for why we should recognize and celebrate the day. The post is entitled Thoughtful Day Top 5. Since this national day is very young, it hasn’t had much recognition and we decided this year, using video to capture a fews things that I did on August 28, 2022 might help inspire more to celebrate the national day.

National Do Something Good For Your Neighbor Day

There are a few things that I like about the national holiday Do Something Good for Your Neighbor Day. First, I like that the way to celebrate this national day is both vague and specific all at once. Second, if you’re fortunate to have good neighbors, this day is easy-peasy to celebrate. And last, the word neighbor can be defined as: “1. A person who lives near another. 2. A person or thing that is near another. 3. One’s fellow human being.”, according to In other words, if you don’t want to celebrate with a person who lives on your block, you can celebrate with a cubicle neighbor at the office or the workout neighbor at the gym etc. The possibilities are endless!


The number seven is a popular number. Besides being worn by many great athletes like Elway, there are many positive associations with the number. I may be one of few but I actually consider the “7 Year Itch” theory a positive thing. And who doesn’t like belting out Take Me Out the Ball Game during the 7th Inning Stretch?