I'll always remember years ago when we lived on Hollywood Beach in Florida, we had to evacuate and took refuge inland. We hunkered down at my friend Paige's house and braced ourselves for the worst.
I'll always remember years ago when we lived on Hollywood Beach in Florida, we had to evacuate and took refuge inland. We hunkered down at my friend Paige's house and braced ourselves for the worst.
My kids go to a school where the students are so nice that it could almost be a curse. Students are polite and well-mannered. Why would I complain about that?
Raise your hand if you agree that National Potato Chip day is a holiday that is just as important as Thanksgiving. It's practically the same thing, right?
When I was growing up there wasn't much fuss about the amount of sugar in cereal. Or if fusses existed, my parents didn't know or care about it because I was able to get as many boxes of any cereal I wanted.