National Coffee Day

I’m not sure if my dad clued me in by saying, “Let me have my cup of coffee before you ask me anything.” or if my instincts after trial and error were spot on. Either way, it didn’t take me long to figure out that if I wanted something from my dad, I would have to wait until he had his first cup of coffee. At such a young age, I already knew that coffee has an effect on people.

National Fried Rice Day

According to my favorite resource,, National Fried Rice Day is celebrated on September 20th every year. Guess which company is behind this day. Of course, Benihana, the restaurant chain that uses 2,720,350 pounds of California grown rice each year. And why would Benihana want this day to be nationally celebrated? Well, to paraphrase Benihana believes that high quality rice isn’t just another side dish. They believe that it is the foundational element of every meal.


I have a theory and it involves a higher power. My higher power is God but you can insert your higher power (or not). First, I have to share a secret that I only shared with the hub right after we got engaged in case he wanted to back out of getting married. Back then, this secret was very serious to me and I haven’t told anyone else about it until now. I’m sharing it because I think in some way everyone could relate to my theory


Kids these days do not have any concept of encyclopedias. Why would they? We have Google. We have Siri on our iPhones so now we don’t even have to type inquiries into Google search anymore. And for the ultimate convenience, we have Alexa devices in our homes. Again, this allows us to ask our questions but cell phones do not have to be on our person to do so. We can just call out to Alexa and ask away. As long as we program Alexa to follow our commands, she is there to help us. It’s pretty amazing how far we’ve come from encyclopedias.