National Raisin Day

Raisins. You either you love them or hate them. What I find interesting is that there are people who love grapes and wine but can’t stand raisins. It’s similar to those who will pour a cup of ketchup onto their fries but will get sick to their stomach if they see a tomato on their burger. I get it. It’s all about the texture and the look of the food items. Let’s face it, the site of a raisin is not the most attractive and the texture is…well…squishy.

Earth Day Rebound

On Friday when I found out that our kids cannot physically go back to school for the remainder of the year, I thought, “It’s time to rebound.” I should clarify, that was not the first thought that came to mind. I did break down sobbing while driving home from picking up dinner that day. However, as I quietly ate dinner with my kids, I started to feel the “rebound” attitude rising up inside me. As one part of me grieved the loss of a school year, the other part of me wanted to take back some control over my life. I knew what I had to do. I decided to get the Earth Day thoughtful pinches ready for the teachers.

The 4 Week Window

I started to write this post a month ago - pre Shelter-in-Place days. Originally, the post was going to be about my observations about myself during a time of quarantine. Like a time capsule so that I could remember my thoughts years from now. In other words, the post was going to be about me, me and me. Fortunately, my friends pass along super funny memes and great news articles because in receiving these, it led me to an awareness of the new normal and I was able to grasp the “collective trauma” concept. So I realized that if I shared my time capsule with you, I wouldn’t be giving any new information because we are all going through this together. There would be no point in telling you something that you already know.

Social Distance Pinches

Years ago I wrote a post entitled, “Happy Easy-ter” and it was about me doing the very minimum to prepare for that upcoming Easter holiday. In other words, I took the “easy” way out. I had to LOL because if I even had the energy to do 1/4 of what I thought was the easy celebration back then, I would be so lucky. This year, I took a MAJOR short cut on the Easter preparations!