The List Pinch

People are either list makers or they’re not. Making a list brings peace of mind to some because when life is scattered, a list is comforting. If it’s on the list, it’s hard to forget. I always thought everyone made lists. However, I learned that some lists stress people out. To see the number of items on a list can overwhelm those who want to focus on the present moment.


Have you ever written a letter in hopes that the recipient would change some sort of behavior? Or have you written a letter in order to influence something greater than what is in your control? How about a letter to express your feelings? Maybe you’ve written a letter to clarify something that might have been misunderstood. It’s possible that you wrote a letter just to check in with someone, telling them what you’re up to and asking questions about what they’re up to.


Humans have an intrinsic desire to help others. No matter how small or large the contribution - in the form of time, energy, talent and/or financially - when we help others, it makes us feel good. Simply put: we volunteer because we hope that our help will help. Inevitably, we walk away feeling like we’re the ones who benefitted from the experience.

National Candy Day

I am an ambassador for the company and what I love about the company is that they keep us updated with every national day. The main reason why the information is important to me is because national days are opportunities to show thoughtfulness. Since National Candy Day is on November 4th, I checked out their website to see if I could relate to the theme of “candy” day. Jackpot! is loaded with great information about candy.