I have received texts, videos, emails, voicemails or cards giving me credit for influencing them for something positive that happened. Talk about making my heart swell up - wow! Those gestures are the most valuable forms of compliments ever.
All in Thoughtful Pinch App
I have received texts, videos, emails, voicemails or cards giving me credit for influencing them for something positive that happened. Talk about making my heart swell up - wow! Those gestures are the most valuable forms of compliments ever.
Holiday Huddle. I can’t take the credit for the birth of this concept - my friend Megan Hendrickson passed it along to me when we lived in MPLS. She questioned why professional sports teams in the Twin Cities haven’t come together for causes that would benefit the community? The question made me pause. Then she added, “We should get the Vikings and the Wild to do something together, “ because she had ties to the Wild.
This may surprise many of my friends but I’m not a “I am woman, hear me roar” type of woman. There are many factors as to why I am not but when I learned about a national day from the website NationalDayCalendar.com called National Brave Day I decided to explore my view on womanhood a little further.
In 2020 I started the process with nationaldaycalendar.com to have an official day of National Thoughtful Day. One of my efforts was writing a plea in a post for why we should recognize and celebrate the day. The post is entitled Thoughtful Day Top 5. Since this national day is very young, it hasn’t had much recognition and we decided this year, using video to capture a fews things that I did on August 28, 2022 might help inspire more to celebrate the national day.
I’m currently on a “Mother/Daughter NY City” trip and of course going to church on Sunday was part of the itinerary. I am so glad that my daughter didn’t fight me on this event. I think years of my efforts are beginning to pay off.
Last week I had a meeting on Thursday at 1230p. I was meeting a videographer and my PR consultant to film a much needed segment for an already existing promo piece for the Thoughtful Pinch app. I chose the date of this meeting and they chose 1230p as the time and a particular Target as the location. I found this one event remarkable enough to write about it for the blog.
The number seven is a popular number. Besides being worn by many great athletes like Elway, there are many positive associations with the number. I may be one of few but I actually consider the “7 Year Itch” theory a positive thing. And who doesn’t like belting out Take Me Out the Ball Game during the 7th Inning Stretch?
Last Fall, I was crushed when the Thoughtful Pinch app didn’t take off the way I had imagined. Fortunately, I believe that things happen for a reason so I didn’t dwell on the set back for long. I threw a pity party for a few weeks but I eventually embraced the “failure”. I took a breather. I collected data. I grew; which is always a good thing.
I recently publicly admitted that I had been a thoughtless judger and so I figured I might as well be a beggar too. At this rate, I could star in my own episode of the show, Shameless. I’m not comfortable with this version of thoughtfulness which makes it all the more reason for me to share it.
Every time I write about a national day, I use the resource Nationaldaycalendar.com. If it weren’t for this site, I would not have so many thoughtful topics to choose from. Over at nationaldaycalendar.com, they celebrate everyday and multiple occasions within the day. I am proud to be one of their ambassadors because it’s inevitable that every time I write about a national day, I bring awareness to someone who didn’t know that the day existed. I consider that a WIN because whenever there is awareness, thoughtfulness is sure to follow.
Remember when iPhones were introduced in 2007? Then, remember in 2008, when Apple came out with OS 2.0, there were approximately 500 apps on that version? What did we do before apps came along? Hunt and gather? Was sliced bread invented before 2008? Did we even have color TV before then? I mean, our lives have changed so much since apps were introduced that the phrase “game changer” is the ultimate understatement.
Mistakes can be good for business. I hear this a lot. They may be blowing smoke up my a^%, but anyone who is successful in business will always say that mistakes, bumps in the road, detours, life lessons, etc. - are all necessary. “Mistakes make us stronger.” It’s a cliche that is often used but even though I appreciate the saying, no one wants to make mistakes.