Hot Chocolate Day!

I miss hot chocolate. It’s not really the chocolate that I miss, although chocolate is a big part. I miss the feeling that I get from drinking it. I miss the snuggly, sweet feeling of having a beverage that warms my body and calms my mind. I am a tea drinker but there is something different about a cup of hot chocolate versus a nice cup of tea. I am tempted, especially during these uncertain times, to throw the “no chocolate” (a.k.a. caffeine) restriction out the window and just drink a cup of hot chocolate. This would mean risking a night of no sleep but it may be worth it.

The Passion Pinch

I accidentally watched a video that I posted on Saturday, January 2, 2021 and I am so embarrassed!! I said two things that need explanations. First I thanked my stylist for doing such a wonderful job in picking out clothes that give me grace if I gained weight (which I did). Then, I actually said, “I still feel pretty.” UGH!

That's Obvi

I am often asked if we’re supposed to write a thank you card when we receive a thank you gift. In other words, do we say thank you for the thank you? It would seem like a continuous cycle of thanking each other if that was the case. But I think the question is valid. Let’s dive into it together.

Time To Get Spiritual

I waited until the last minute to decide which habit I would work on for the 365 days in 2021. I knew that I was already going to try to ride the Peloton bike once or twice a week and I knew that I was going to try to cook more meals. But I needed something that I could do every day; a habit for 365 days. It had to be something small, almost like a “no brainer” or hard to skip. In doing this habit daily, the year’s effort would add up to be significant. More importantly, the habit should have the potential to continue for years.