National Floral Design Day

Besides flowers being considered a gesture of love and care, they represent beauty and remind us of hope. Think of all the occasions that flowers are a part of - weddings, funerals, births, dinner parties, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Spring, tea parties, Thanksgiving etc. Not to mention the scents of flowers are so naturally intoxicating. As obvious as it may seem that flowers can set the tone for any event, to me, the mystery about flowers has always been in floral designs. I know nothing about which flowers go well together and which certain positions of the flowers look pleasing to the eye. People, professional or layman, who know how to arrange flowers in a way that can make us feel certain emotions should be celebrated.


I wish we could be like dogs. When dogs communicate with other dogs, I’m pretty sure they don’t announce that they’re going to be honest with them. They just go for it and start sniffing around. When dogs get caught chewing on something that they’re not supposed to, we know from their eyes that they honestly didn’t mean to disappoint us. And even though dogs are not supposed to tell us who their favorite human is, they can’t help but honestly show us.


I cannot even say the word umbrella ella, ella, eh, eh, eh without singing it like Rihanna. What I love about an umbrella is that its function is both necessary and thoughtful. When we hold an umbrella over our head to shield off the rain or the sun, we are less bothered as Mother Nature does her thing. Thoughtfulness happens when we share an umbrella. Together we are safer and more comfortable than we are without one. My heart sings to see someone hold the umbrella over another’s head so that they can walk to/from the car in the rain without getting wet. So sweet!

World Nutella Day

Do you know what Nutella is and if so, do you like it? The hazelnut and cocoa combo is spreadable, like peanut butter. Some don’t like it but most people really love it. I first learned of Nutella when my hub and I were dating. Before I met him, he lived in Milan, Italy, where Nutella was commonly found in baked goods. He said he would have a jar or two at his apartment so that he could spread it on fresh bread when he wanted a snack. When I tasted it for the first time, I remember thinking , “Where have you been all my life?”.