When I was in my twenties I thought fifty was REALLY old. Rightly so! My twenty year old self had not gone thru multiple times barfing up “over-served” tequila and the awkward break ups and the whole roller coaster of finding a career that really fit my “calling”. So I agree, I am old - the thirty year difference between a 20 and 50 yr old is a lot of years.


There are great coaches and there are terrible coaches. Yup, I said it. I brought up the negative because ALL coaches have the power to change lives. We learn great things from great coaches and we learn what NOT to do when we have bad coaches. Our destiny is shaped by the people who mentor us. We could have a wonderful coach who bridges gaps and leads us to the next level or we can have a coach who deters us from ever trying again. Either way, there are so many types of coaches that fall between great and terrible because styles and temperaments are varied as well.

The Story Behind the App

Ok, I saw the pinch on the app and I read your texts to get what happened but I still sent the notification to the dev to see why. But my guess is the capacity to post or share a post isn’t part of the pinch field so you may just have to pinch the person w/o giving all the details of why they need it. I know that’s not very helpful and you seemed to get around the issue bc you created a pinch but for now, it’s photo, title and comment. I’ve made a note for consideration for revisions. Thanks Tom!