The Jay-Jay Way
Photo credit: @vanessamphoto
I’ve mentioned many times on social media that my cousin Jay-Jay is extremely thoughtful. I tap into her for many things relating to Thoughtful Pinches and lately I’ve been feeling like such a dope! Jay-Jay has been specifically showing her thoughtfulness for years but I didn’t pick up on her technique until recently. Now that I am aware of it, I feel like she should be writing this blog - not me! The following is what I affectionately call the “Jay-Jay Way” :
Jay-Jay is so organized that she is able to coordinate her day or night using gifts that she received from us because she always remembers who gave her what. She purposefully wears or uses the thoughtful pinch that we gave her when she knows she is going to see us. Here are some examples: a) Whether it is a top or bottoms, or a purse, earrings, a necklace or a bracelet, shoes, socks etc. - somehow, some way, she incorporates that special item that we gave her into the outfit that she’ll wear when we’re together. b) In May, when we were at the lake celebrating her 50th, she put sunscreen and stuff into the bag that I gave her 10 years ago! c) I receive notes written on the stationery that I gave her almost two decades ago. d) I sent her a bag of Num Nuts and a month later she brought them to MN for her work trip to eat as her snack during her busy work days. Her ability to synchronize all of this is bar none! Not only does it make me feel good to see these gifts being used or consumed, I feel like even if something is outdated (like that bag at the lake) - she hangs onto to it because she is sentimental. It’s remarkable how she remembers. I have SO MANY pinches that Jay-Jay has given me over the years ( a hair brush and towel that she gave to me long before I met my hub!) but I am not organized enough to bring them along or use them when she’s around. It takes an awfully thoughtful person to plan ahead.
Speaking of planning ahead, another “Jay-Jay Way” to do things is changing the profile picture or posting those rare throw-back photos to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries on the social media platforms. Even if its the day before or the day of, Jay-Jay must have to prep in order to make sure those photos on her Facebook page or Instagram are posted on time. It takes systematizing -which comes naturally for Jay-Jay.
On Jay-Jay’s page: Happy 50th Birthday to this HAWT stud! — with Hal Williams.
Jay-Jay changed her cover photo on FB.
On Jay-Jay’s Page: Happy Birthday Pia! Miss you #lupussucks
On Jay-Jay’s Page: Look who is finally 50!!! Happy Birthday to my sister cousin Barb!
On Jay-Jay’s Page: Raise your jazz hands 🙌🙌 if you're celebrating your last day of being 40-something!!!!! #1moreday — with Barb Pellicer Paton.
On Jay-Jay’s Page: Look who is turning 50 this month?????
Y’all - the two gestures above are in ADDITION to everything else that Jay-Jay does to show her thoughtfulness. There is so much information about her that I have to divide it into another post or two or three.
I specifically chose to write about these two “Jay-Jay Ways” to show thoughtfulness in hopes that it may inspire you. Using these methods may be the right “fit” for your lifestyle, your values, your bank account etc. FYI, both of these gestures do not cost a dime. You may already do one or both of these gestures and for that, I congratulate you! The bottom line is this: Thoughtfulness perpetuates awareness of all the ways that we can be thoughtful. I’m in love with the intentional gratefulness it shows when we wear something or use a gift in front of the person who gave it to us. It’s such a winning feeling; I can’t believe I didn’t do it sooner. You can bet that I have been making a conscious effort now. And if you already honor your friends and family by using your social media outlets to display your care for them, then more power to you! Keep it up!