All tagged Num Nuts


In a Gwyneth Paltrow interview I learned that she laughs every time she says the word “balls”. Just like her, I giggle whenever I say the word “nuts.” There, I said it and yes, I giggled. Although they are not the same thing - to anyone with adolescent humor - they are basically the same thing. All jokes aside, National Nut Day is coming up on October 22nd and well, it’s another opportunity to be thoughtful. This national food day has been celebrated since 2016 and according to, the day was founded by Liberations Foods (Choose Liberation). It’s inspiring to learn that this company advocates fair trade nuts and they promote healthy living.

5 Years - Give Away #5

I haven’t missed a Tuesday deadline in five years. On March 3, 2015, I posted my very first post for the blog. Happy 5th Blogiversary to Thoughtful Pinch! It all started with a gift idea of lottery tickets and I have been writing about thoughtfulness using food, beverages, health, holidays, national days, politics, religion, products, gift ideas, seasons, the Thoughtful Pinch App, travel and leisure ever since.

5 Years - Give Away #4

I haven’t missed a Tuesday deadline in five years. On March 3, 2015, I posted my very first post for the blog. Happy 5th Blogiversary to Thoughtful Pinch! It all started with a gift idea of lottery tickets and I have been writing about thoughtfulness using food, beverages, health, holidays, national days, politics, religion, products, gift ideas, seasons, the Thoughtful Pinch App, travel and leisure ever since.

5 Years - Give Away #3

I haven’t missed a Tuesday deadline in five years. On March 3, 2015, I posted my very first post for the blog. Happy 5th Blogiversary to Thoughtful Pinch! It all started with a gift idea of lottery tickets and I have been writing about thoughtfulness using food, beverages, health, holidays, national days, politics, religion, products, gift ideas, seasons, the Thoughtful Pinch App, travel and leisure ever since.

5 Years - Give Away #2

I haven’t missed a Tuesday deadline in five years. On March 3, 2015, I posted my very first post for the blog. Happy 5th Blogiversary to Thoughtful Pinch! It all started with a gift idea of lottery tickets and I have been writing about thoughtfulness using food, beverages, health, holidays, national days, politics, religion, products, gift ideas, seasons, the Thoughtful Pinch App, travel and leisure ever since.

The Jay-Jay Way

I’ve mentioned many times on social media that my cousin Jay-Jay is extremely thoughtful. I tap into her for many things relating to Thoughtful Pinches and lately I’ve been feeling like such a dope! Jay-Jay has been specifically showing her thoughtfulness for years but I didn’t pick up on her technique until recently. Now that I am aware of it, I feel like she should be writing this blog - not me! The following is what I affectionately call the “Jay-Jay Way” :