National App Day!
Remember when iPhones were introduced in 2007? Then, remember in 2008, when Apple came out with OS 2.0, there were approximately 500 apps on that version? What did we do before apps came along? Hunt and gather? Was sliced bread invented before 2008? Did we even have color TV before then? I mean, our lives have changed so much since apps were introduced that the phrase “game changer” is the ultimate understatement.
In 2017, the founder of Platinum Edge Media, CJ Thompson, registered National App Day with To paraphrase what says about this day on their website: the celebration of National App Day is to bring awareness of the importance of apps. Apps have changed our collective culture by organically promoting creativity and innovation.” Apps became such a household name that in 2010, the American Dialect Society named the word “app” as Word of the Year. Can I please share with you that as the creator and owner of the Thoughtful Pinch App, I didn’t know that “app” was short for software application? App was just part of my everyday vocabulary and I didn’t know what it meant until now. I will say that in this case, even though I am a Foodie, I knew that app was not short for appetizer.
Currently, claims that there are over 2 million apps (Thoughtful Pinch App is one of them!) and having that many apps allows a 3rd party generation to exist. I believe what that means is, for example, my app had to have at least two other apps within it so that it could exist. Therefore, my app is part of a 3rd party generation.
When I went to my first meeting with ILM, a full service app developing company (they’re the best!), I was asked to name a few of my favorite apps. Hmmmm. I couldn’t name any off the top of my head so I whipped out my phone and started looking at the apps that were downloaded. I have lots of apps but which ones were my favorite? I did not want to name the obvious apps that I use 24/7. I wanted to name an app that is not common or ginormous like: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Mail, YouTube, Weather (I live in Minnesota), Calendar (cannot make a single plan without consulting this app), Audible (I don’t make time to read), Notes, AppBox (for figuring out gratuity) Camera, Uber, Venmo, Vikings, Clock (always need to set a timer b/c I have HORRIBLE time management), Reminders, Contacts, Google, GroupMe (I’m a hockey and ballet mother), TeamSnap (see GroupMe). At this ILM meeting, I couldn’t name a single app that helped me as a niche user.
This day was so special to me. Seeing this app on my phone was a goal and I made it!
When I first launched my app, I thought of it as a Thneed - you know, Dr. Seuss’ Lorax term for a one-size-fits-all-does-anything-for-anyone kind of a product. I thought my target market was EVERYBODY. I thought my app was going to help every person in the US and then eventually roll out globally. But not every app is for everybody. Apps help those who need specific help. In theory, if an app’s job is to make life easier for at least one person, then maybe collectively it will help many people who want that same ease. In reality, the Thoughtful Pinch App currently only serves those who are constantly thinking of others. We cannot shut off our thoughtful minds. Whether we are at a store, a party, driving, eating at a restaurant, drinking at a bar, stuck at an airport, in line at Starbucks, sitting in school pick up, getting our nails done, getting dressed for Game Day, shoveling snow, making dinner, swimming in a pool, etc. we are always aware of our surroundings. When we spot something that reminds us of another person we pause. The Thoughtful Pinch App helps users share this moment in time with others who may feel the same way. Everyone who has the app is welcomed to join in therefore making more of an impact to the thoughtful gesture.
For more about why the Thoughtful Pinch App was created click here. For how the the app works, click here.
Every app serves a need and as the days and years go by, the needs get greater and more intense. New apps will be developed every day, which is good because progress is good. Lets celebrate #NationalAppDay by naming a few of our faves on social media. Be sure to #hashtag because I’m sure the creators, developers, investors, marketing and branding, support team etc. of your favorite apps would appreciate a shout out a.k.a. thoughtful pinch.