All tagged Audible


There is definitely something stirring inside me. Again, the catalyst is because of a book. This is the second post in a row that pertains to a book. Which makes me think that written thoughts do matter and words have the ability to influence people beyond who we write them down for. When I listened to this book, I was alone and I found myself nodding my head, slapping the steering wheel, verbally agreeing and snorting with laughter. The title of the book is Unbreakable and it’s written by our friend Jay Glazer. We call him Glaze.


I have to admit, I downloaded the book Flourish on Audible because I wanted to know what my daughter was studying over the summer (she gets 1/2 a credit for school). I thought if I learned what the book was about, we could have something to talk about. When I read the title of the book Flourish, I figured that I could only benefit from this information and there was no down side to reading (listening) to it. So I used one of my Audible credits to get the audio version and when I got in the car for the 13 hour drive from Denver to Minneapolis, I chose to listen to Flourish out of the four books that I had in my cue.


During the Stay-at-Home order for Covid I thought that I would have all this extra time to read. I envisioned myself as one of those people who would curl up on the couch and read a book during my “down time.” Seven months later, I still do not have down time. When George Floyd died and all of America wanted justice, I knew this was a big issue but I didn’t know what to do to help. I knew one thing, throwing another book onto the pile on my nightstand in hopes to read it someday wasn’t going to work. Some of the books on my nightstand have been there for 2 years! In this case, I needed to learn about racism asap otherwise I wouldn’t understand the civil unrest that was happening all around me. I immediately loaded my Audible library with two books: White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo and How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi.

National App Day!

Remember when iPhones were introduced in 2007? Then, remember in 2008, when Apple came out with OS 2.0, there were approximately 500 apps on that version? What did we do before apps came along? Hunt and gather? Was sliced bread invented before 2008? Did we even have color TV before then? I mean, our lives have changed so much since apps were introduced that the phrase “game changer” is the ultimate understatement.