National Get Funky Day

Oh yeah, it’s time to get funky! Today, October 5th, is National Get Funky Day. So come follow me; we are going to “get funky” by learning a few things about this national day.

First, I think it’s fitting that this national day falls on one of my best friend’s birthdays. Although Reena considers herself a “rock and roll”er - she is also someone who doesn’t mind getting funky. According to, “Funky has developed several different meanings since the late 16th century. Funky often refers to a strong odor. Cheese can have a funky smell (and that can be good or bad). Funky also evolved as a term used in the world of music, especially jazz, to show approval. It later spread to a distinct style of music (funk) and the associated style, attitude, or sound.” The evolved description of funky adequately describes my friend Reena who loves all kinds of music (maybe not Country as much) . Her fashion style often reflects her musical interests as well. Which in my book, means she can be funky.

Fashion savvy friends of mine: Reena is wearing funky earrings which were a thoughtful pinch that I gave her. Anne is wearing her awesome Prince shirt that she bought while we shopped in Boulder, CO.  Below, Reena and I enjoyed bday celebrations at Zumbro in Linden Hills and more pictures of their Denver visit in September 2021.

Fashion savvy friends of mine: Reena is wearing funky earrings which were a thoughtful pinch that I gave her. Anne is wearing her awesome Prince shirt that she bought while we shopped in Boulder, CO. Below, Reena and I enjoyed bday celebrations at Zumbro in Linden Hills and more pictures of their Denver visit in September 2021.

Second, I learned from the website that after Hurricane Matthew, when everyone came together as a community to help all those in need - strangers helping strangers, Funkytown Fitness founded National Get Funky Day. The company wanted to found a day that was dedicated “to help people break free of their comfort zones and let loose for a fun and exciting day throughout the country. When people get Funky they get happy, they have fun, and the world becomes a more positive place.”

My sister-in-law Camille first told me about National Get Funky Day years ago and since I love promoting anything that is positive, writing about this national day was a no-brainer. Nonetheless, I wasn’t able to share this national day until now. Timing is everything and I believe that nothing is a coincidence. This year National Get Funky Day lands on a Tuesday which is a new post day for me, Reena’s birthday and it’s also National Do Something Nice Day. To me, it’s perfect that they fall on the same day.

So in honor of all three occasions, I thought I’d do something nice and pass this short playlist around. Consider it a thoughtful pinch of musical enjoyment. These five songs have funk in their lyrics and/or titles. My hope is that you’ll be singing them all day long since the songs are very catchy.

  1. Uptown Funk - Bruno Mars

  2. Funkytown - Lipps

  3. Funky Cold Medina - Tone-Loc

  4. Cantaloop (Flip Fantasia) - Us3

  5. Five Minutes of Funk - Whodini

National Get Funky Day has been celebrated since 2017 and I really hope the momentum will continue to grow. The awareness of cutting loose and having fun should be something we can all relate to at the very least, once a year. There’s nothing serious about getting funky. Enjoy the positive and liberating energy!





Broncos Family Network

Broncos Family Network