All tagged Reena

I'd Like to Phone a Friend

The other day I felt a bit jealous of the friend who was giving me a mani/pedi. I’ve known my friend for only fifteen months but in this time frame I have learned that she routinely calls her family on her way to and from work every day. Not just every once in awhile, but every day she has someone that she calls. This may not be earth shattering news or something you would be jealous about but I think it is thoughtful and worth mentioning.

Short + Sweet Visits

I have felt so honored whenever someone texts or calls me to let me know they are visiting Colorado and they’re thinking of me. Reaching out to me is a thoughtful pinch that I cherish endlessly. Just this past week I was able to see a few out-of-towners, a relative who lives here in Denver and I have another visitor coming up this week. The visits have been short and sweet and still a joy.

Exactly in the Middle

As Father’s Day approaches, one of my besties, Reena, is preparing for her father to die soon. I have been listening to her as she shares very condensed versions of what she has been going thru. There are necessary steps, paperwork and procedures that must be taken care of and on top of that, she is coordinating “last” visits with her father’s community of friends. Reena sums it up by saying that it reminds her of planning a wedding.