Broncos Family Network
Today, not only did I get the ok from the Broncos to post about things that I’m doing in the role of the GM’s wife, but I have the green light to use the hashtag #BroncosFamilyNetwork. Isn’t that so cool? I feel like Cinderella and I’m going to the Ball!
The Broncos have a Media Relations department and a Community Development department that are both super engaging because of two people - Patrick Smyth, the Chief Communications Officer and Allison Engelken a.k.a. Allie. Another common trait that they both share is that they are very organized. Patrick has his finger on the pulse at all times. He is amazing at handling EVERYTHING. To say that we’re lucky to have him is a complete understatement. Allie’s role goes outside the lines of her title, which is Executive Director of Community Development. Every NFL team is set up differently so I am not sure Allie is the only one doing this but she has been working on community outreach and building a community within the Bronco’s organization. Each component in itself is a huge undertaking and the fact that she’s handling both simultaneously, means two things: she has the heart the size of Texas and her support system all around her is solid.
When I got the call from Patrick giving me the lay of the land, letting me know there was a gap in the “First Lady” position, I thought he was just telling me this so that I could be aware and prepare not to have guidance from the front office while my family transitioned. I remember thinking that it was very thoughtful for Patrick to tell me this. But then he asked if I’d be interested in filling the gap. Who me? I thought I was being “Punked”. This is a role that I would LOVE to do so I didn’t hesitate to say YES!
Mainly, what I hope to do in this role is make sure people feel welcomed, seen, heard and thought of - kind of like a grandma who just knows who needs what and gives them attention so lovingly. I am excited to start doing some thoughtful things around Denver with the Broncos Family Network. And you better believe that I can’t wait to start giving out thoughtful pinches. However, in order to start passing out pinches, I first need to know who is who in the organization; it’s the best way to be inclusive. The one person that I know well is the General Manager and he manages the entire organization but cannot possibly do it without managers overseeing everyone in their departments. The Broncos Family Network recognizes that the support for every employee of the Broncos starts at home and we want to help by supporting the supporter.
These documents will help me know who is doing what and then I can get some pinches out.
I’ll use charts, books and lists with spouses names as I am getting to know who is who in the Broncos organization - but while I’m at it, I might as well learn:
About the game of football. How can someone like me be around the NFL for more than 24 years and not know football? I can watch football and know what’s going on but I don’t know things like what a secondary is or the difference between an outside linebacker and a linebacker. Back in the early two thousands, there was a First Lady on another team and her name is Jan Wannsted. Not only did she make everyone feel important but she wanted to empower people with knowing the game of football. She taught Football University and it was awesome. Besides learning the X and O’s, it made us feel like we weren’t the only ones who didn’t know why we couldn’t have one player be both the kicker and the punter.
About the history of the Broncos. I am already learning abut the logos and the team colors. My mom told me that there is a documentary about the Broncos and she said that it was very informative to her. I will check it out. At the beginning of the season we are given a new media guide which is full of information. Plus at every home game, they give away Broncos program books which have great articles. I like that Allie shared with me that when she arrived at the Broncos from the Washington Football Team (formerly known as the Redskins) she studied the team as well. Again, to me, this is validation that not everyone knows everything about a team right away.
The media guide is full of Broncos information and it will come in handy as I learn about the organization. Each home game I hope to read up on what’s going on for Game Day in the program!
It’s going to be a lot to learn but the good thing is, I like football. Omaha, Omaha. I’m ready!