Vision Board Day
The artwork is by Molly McDougall @lovelettersmn
In 2019, when all of the New Year parties were over, I remember the buzz words were VISION BOARD. Everyone decided that they needed their vision to be in print and 2019 was the year to do it. It was vision board parties and workshops galore! Even though I wasn’t invited to any vision board events and I have FOMO, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gone to an event anyway. I was too busy working on my goals.
In June of 2015, according to , Kellan Lutz and Ryan Daly submitted the idea of having a National Vision Board Day and by July of 2015, it was proclaimed by the Registrar at National Day Calendar. National Vision Board Day is observed on the second Saturday in January, annually (for 2020, it falls on January 11th).
10 years ago, I remember wishing I could go back to the hot yoga practice that I once had prior to having my kids. It’s the reason one of the largest cutouts is “Sweatiness is Godliness”. Nowadays, I am over-joyed to have a restorative yoga practice.
Here is my “If-we-relate-to-something-in-a-magazine, cut-it-out” vision board. See the #40? I made this ten years ago during an in-class assignment for my parent education class. No judging but I still have this hanging on my wall in my home office. I haven’t done another vision board since then. Ten years later, I’m ready!
I jumped onto Pinterest to see what vision boards looked like these days and I was blown away! There are countless ways to put together a vision board. I also learned that there are classes, workshops, kits etc. - all existing to help us put together a vision board. It made me realize that these things are a big business. Let’s face it, there aren’t many people who approach a new year thinking that everything is so perfect that there isn’t a need to visualize anything else.
Get out old magazines, glue sticks, sticky notes, pens, markers, stickers, GLITTER, inspirational quotes and pictures and let the fun begin! When we put our goals in writing and post them up where we can see them, the chances of us following thru is greater than if we just kept the goals in our head. Hopes, dreams, DON’T lists, DO lists - vision boards are such a great way to get us pumped up to improve our lives and ourselves.
Here are some of my goals that will some how, some way make it onto my board:
My END Goals are to: have more time to write, cook, practice yoga and have family dates.
Celebrate my 5th year Blog Anniversary on March 3rd. Continue the streak - haven’t missed a Tuesday since then.
Grow awareness about the Thoughtful Pinch App by using: videos, posts, Alexa skill, sponsorships, collaborative work with like-minded companies.
Nurture little movements: 365, Thank You Card Thursday, Thoughtful Pinches, Game Day Outfits.
My START Goals are to: Change the mindset from just thinking about people to actually letting the person know that they are being thought of and sharing it socially.
I had some fun while hand lettering the decorative title area which will be in the center of my vision board. But I quickly came to screeching halt soon after. For a TYPE A person, who happens to be a VIRGO with a bad case of perfectionism, making a vision board is very hard to do. How am I going to organize this? Should I use columns, lists or divide the board into 4 quarters for the year? Should I be spontaneous with no set plan of where things will be pasted onto the board or will I have a clear start and finish? Should I write my goals or type them up or use mixed media? Argh! The board remains blank on my dining room table with only the title decoration in the center of it.
I am guessing that I’m not the only one with this problem. I think many of us want to make really great vision boards because after all, these are our goals. It’s important for us to present them in a fabulous way. I have to believe that this is the reason why vision board parties and workshops occur. Maybe it’s why National Vision Board Day exists - to bring awareness : Not only is coming up with goals hard to do, but so is making the goals look amazing in print. If only I had a few girlfriends around to help me visualize how my 2020 will look. I guess I can always ask Oprah, Tina Fey and Julianne Hough for help since they’ll be in St. Paul on National Vision Board Day. #Coincidence