All tagged Virgo

The Loaded Text

When I was deciding on what thoughtful topic I wanted to write about this week, I had many choices. National Dive Bar Day (7/7), National Pina Colada Day (7/10) and National Mojito Day (7/11) all fall within my weekly parameter of Tuesday 7/7 to Monday 7/13. Lately, my posts have been very much celebratory of the national days; fun and light-hearted. In fact, National French Fry Day is on 7/13 and who doesn’t love a good french fry?


Mother’s Day 2020 was the most PERFECT day of my year so far. This statement is significant because the Virgo in me strives for perfection 24/7 but the Type-A in me won’t ever let that happen. My Mother’s Day was special because I felt completely BALANCED. Yowza! That’s another significant statement because I equate the concept of “balance” to a unicorn. Everyone wants to believe in unicorns even though we know they don’t really exist. And everyone wants to believe that there is such a thing called “balance”.

Vision Board Day

In 2019, when all of the New Year parties were over, I remember the buzz words were VISION BOARD. Everyone decided that they needed their vision to be in print and 2019 was the year to do it. It was vision board parties and workshops galore! Even though I wasn’t invited to any vision board events and I have FOMO, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have gone to an event anyway. I was too busy working on my goals.