National Dress Up Your Pet Day
Auntie Karen gave us these fun pjs!
Happy National Dress Up Your Pet Day to all the pet lovers in the country! I cannot wait to see all the posts for this national day which is today - January 14th. In 2009, celebrity Pet Lifestyle Expert and Animal Behaviorist Colleen Paige’s request to have a national day for Dress Up Your Pet was approved by Who would have guessed that a little over a decade later, that this day would be as popular as it is today?
When my dog Bruin became my best friend in 2004, I could not help but want him to be human. I would dress up Bruin but my hub would immediately make me take it all off. Ba-hum-bug! I knew Bruin didn’t really like it either but I just couldn’t resist. One accessory that I loved was a blue and green knitted scarf from the dollar store. For our daily walks, I would tie the scarf around his neck as if it would protect him on a chilly day. I liked that it was colorful and he looked smart, like a college professor. I wish I had a picture of him wearing his scarf.
Bruin in his Paris outfit - Oui, oui mon cheri!
From Halloween costumes, to birthday hats, to Easter bunny ears to reindeer antlers - dress up gear is a big business for the dog supplies industry. According to Market Watch, an article by Andrew Keshner states that, “More than 30 million people will spend an estimated $480 million treating their pets to costumes this Halloween, more than double the $220 million spend on pet Halloween costumes in 2010 when the National Retail Federation began tracking pet costumes.”
Hey, I’m someone who likes to bring down the cost per wear. Why not get more wear out of those Halloween pet costumes by using them again today for National Dress Up Your Pet Day?
This was Bruin’s ski sweater outfit. I thought he looked so dapper in it!
If you have a pet lover in your life and you want to give them a thoughtful pinch for this national day, consider some fun dress up ideas. There’s a line in the movie, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown when Lucy says something like, “The costume you choose should be in direct contrast to your true personality.” So put a faux leather biker jacket on the older, super mellow golden retriever or a bulldog, named Bella in a ballet tutu. How about an angel costume on a Pit Bull and devil costume on a St. Bernard. Get creative with this national day.
I love how posted the following:
“Please remember to keep your pets safe and comfortable in the pet clothing and costumes that you choose.
Tips for dressing up your pet:
If your pet just doesn’t like dressing up, let them sit this holiday out.
Be sure it fits. Restricting movement or ability to breathe can cause injury or illness.
Many pets like to chew. Avoid loose or dangling pieces which can cause choking hazards.”
Although National Dress Up Your Pet day is for all pets, I’m sure it’s hard to dress up a snake, hamster or gold fish. Some cats may let their parents (owners) dress them up. I am sure it’s worth a try. If you have a monkey, llama, horse etc - dressing them up could be an awesome way to show off their personalities. Be sure to post pictures of your pets dressed up on social media using the hashtag #Nationaldressupyourpetday.