National Orchid Day

Rita’s hat has some orchids on it.

I was on the website looking over some of the national days for this upcoming week and although there were many days that sounded interesting, I choose to write posts about the national days that I truly resonate with. Since I love giving and receiving orchids, I decided to learn more about National Orchid Day. Wow, I did not expect to be pulled at my heartstrings but this national day just tugged away. You can click on the links above to read the full story but be prepared for some tears. Or you can just get the watered down version below:

According to,  Mike and Faith Young founded National Orchid Day after losing their daughter Orchid Faith on April 16, 2014. The back story is that the couple had volunteered at an orchid reserve in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, in 2010. The Youngs loved orchids so much that after their experience at the reserve, not only did they name their daughter Orchid, but they decided to dedicate their efforts in spreading awareness and care tips about orchids. In 2015, on Mother’s Day, Mike registered the Radiant Faith Orchid with Chadwick and Son Orchids. This Cattleya, the Radiant Faith Orchid, is recognized by The International Orchid Register of the Royal Horticulture Society in England. The Radiant Faith Orchid is the color of the 2014 Pantone color of the year which is the same year their daughter died.

As I already mentioned, I love giving and receiving orchids and the reason is because they make awesome thoughtful pinches. Some of the arrangements are in the photos above. Besides the orchid’s unique and exotic beauty, I mainly love them because I am frugal and practical and yet I like nice things. Orchids check off all the boxes for me. Some may be intimidated to care for an orchid and some, like me, didn’t even know anything about them until I bought a few when we moved from Hollywood Beach, FL to MPLS in 2007. While grocery shopping at Trader Joe’s in MPLS during the first few weeks after we moved, I came across some very beautiful orchid plants. I invested in three of them: a purple, yellow and a white orchid. They came in sleek ceramic pots. It was the first time that I ever owned any orchids and I was amazed at how long their flowers remained so beautiful. Finally the last of the orchid petals dropped but I couldn’t bear to throw away anything that was still alive. I just held onto the orchids because of the green stems and leaves. To my surprise, two of the orchid plants grew more orchids the following year! I was super pumped. To me, the return on investment was pure gold. At that moment, I felt like the orchids were happy to be there and I was happy to have them. The orchid in my daughter’s room lasted for years, even after she knocked it over. I simply picked up everything and moved it out of her room. The orchid continued to blossom for a total of at least four or five years and so ever since those first few orchids in 2007, I have been hooked. Thanks Trader Joe’s!

An orchid arrangement for some table displays for the Easter Vigil celebration in 2019.

Before my mom moved in with us in MPLS, she had so many orchid plants at her home in Seal Beach, CA. She loved caring for them and she was really good at keeping them in great shape. When it was time to move, my mom had to give them all away. My hope is that she will start a new collection again now that she is back in So Cal and has space on her Yorba Linda balcony. I have asked my SIL to be on “Orchid Duty” and get my mom one from Trader Joe’s to celebrate National Orchid Day this Saturday. Conveniently, this pinch to my mom will be just in time to add something fresh, colorful and beautiful for Easter Sunday.

The story about this arrangement is that my friend Emily gave it to me for my 50th birthday and these orchids lasted for so many months. When all the petals fell off, I didn’t want to discard the orchids but I also wanted to keep great arrangements in the container. So I solicited help from Arts and Flowers and then eventually House Story Land. For our move to Denver, this container was packed up and brought to our new house. And now that it is Spring, it’s time for a new arrangement.

We were given an orchid on November 13, 2021 as a housewarming/hospitality gift from some visiting friends. This photo of that orchid was taken on March 3, 2022 with some blossoms still in tact. What a lovely pinch that brought joy for so long!

Orchids do not need much attention and in fact, these plants are ideal for my mom and I. We tend to get busy and often neglectful. But Orchids seem to thrive when we don’t fuss too much- similar to succulents. I want to believe that my orchids always did so well because of the positive energy around the plants. Maybe the plants just sense it. I saw an interview with Jessica Alba - she described a niece’s science project or something involving two plants. To one plant only positive and kind words were spoken and to the other - all negative words. The latter did not survive. I think plants thrive where the energy is fruitful instead of fruitless.

Beautiful orchid leis were handed out to guests and the celebrant for the 80th birthday of Lady Di, my hub’s aunt.

Because of this national day, I have a whole new respect for orchids now. I will think about little Orchid Faith and how so many before her were also not able to stay with us once they were born. All of these babies impact our lives. Reading about the loss of Orchid Faith gave me an awareness of what orchids meant to her parents and it touched me deeply. I am grateful that Mike and Faith devoted their efforts to keep their daughter’s memory alive because it helps others like me. Although I am sad for their loss, it brings me joy to know that they found meaning in the birth of Orchid Faith as well as the meaning in her death.

Let’s honor Orchid Faith, along with her parents, on April 16th as we celebrate National Orchid Day. It’s a beautiful way to show your thoughtfulness and honor someone simultaneously. If money is tight, there are many free images of orchids on the internet. Sharing the image is very impactful; don’t underestimate the power of letting someone know you are thinking of them with words and images. No purchase is necessary.



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