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National Orchid Day

I was on the website looking over some of the national days for this upcoming week and although there were many days that sounded interesting, I choose to write posts about the national days that I truly resonate with. Since I love giving and receiving orchids, I decided to learn more about National Orchid Day. Wow, I did not expect to be pulled at my heartstrings but this national day just tugged away. You can click on the links above to read the full story but be prepared for some tears. Or you can just get the watered down version below:

Junk Food Day

What is junk food?

According to Merriam-Webster - “1. Food that is high in calories but low in nutritional content. 2. something that is appealing or enjoyable but of little or no real value.”

According to food is a derisive slang term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, salt, and calories. ... Despite being labeled as "junk" consuming such foods usually does not pose any immediate health concerns and is generally safe when integrated into a well balanced diet.”

National Scavenger Hunt Day

I recently went to Nashville, the new Vegas (Nashvegas), and I quickly learned why it’s a popular destination. It’s a haven for hosting bachelor(ette) parties or celebrating milestone birthdays. Seeing the bride-to-be’s and their entourages reminded me of the days that I too, was one of the girls showing up in a herd contributing to the memories of the last days of freedom for my girlfriend(s). I wondered if any of the bachelors, bachelorettes, 21st, 30th , 40th or 50th birthday celebrants were on a Nashville scavenger hunt?