All tagged awareness

Holiday Huddle

Holiday Huddle. I can’t take the credit for the birth of this concept - my friend Megan Hendrickson passed it along to me when we lived in MPLS. She questioned why professional sports teams in the Twin Cities haven’t come together for causes that would benefit the community? The question made me pause. Then she added, “We should get the Vikings and the Wild to do something together, “ because she had ties to the Wild.

3 Tips for Intermittent Fasting

Halloween is coming up and I’m always excited to count how many Halloweens ago that I started intermittent fasting. Yup, of all the days that I started this life style, it was on Halloween of 2018!! I’d be very surprised if I ever go back to any other way of living. It’s about time that I shared some of my insight because the experience that I had when I started intermittent fasting is pretty common.

National Orchid Day

I was on the website looking over some of the national days for this upcoming week and although there were many days that sounded interesting, I choose to write posts about the national days that I truly resonate with. Since I love giving and receiving orchids, I decided to learn more about National Orchid Day. Wow, I did not expect to be pulled at my heartstrings but this national day just tugged away. You can click on the links above to read the full story but be prepared for some tears. Or you can just get the watered down version below:

Connectors (Part 2)

So there is connection and then there are connectors. Two totally separate nouns that I’m writing about in my “Connection” blog post series. What would the discussion about connections be without connectors? Connectors are instrumental in putting us on paths that ultimately change our lives. For the sake of thoughtfulness and the awareness of silver linings, the connectors that I am referring to in this post are for those who change our lives for the better, not worse.

5 Moving Pinches

I have been told several times since January 2021 that moving is a very stressful time. I must have “Moving Amnesia” because I can only remember little pieces of my move to Minneapolis from Hollywood, FL and I can’t remember how stressful it was. I have moved quite a bit in my life and although I do remember many of my moves, I do not remember the stressful parts.

World Kindness Day

In full disclosure I was trying to decide between writing about National Fast Food Day and World Kindness Day. Believe it or not, after the 2020 election, I have been super weary about the concept of kindness. Half of America is so filled with hate that it would seem almost too ironic to write about kindness. Besides, fast food is such a great topic. The choice was hard.

Big Enough

Over the last week, I’ve been scrolling thru social media trying to find something other than anti-racism quotes by prominent black people posted by white people. Don’t get me wrong, I am so proud of my friends and family who are fighting for justice. Every quote they post is very meaningful. I am an over-thinker so posting as such is not me. My idea of helping out is to figure out a way to walk the walk so that I can talk the talk.

Earth Day Rebound

On Friday when I found out that our kids cannot physically go back to school for the remainder of the year, I thought, “It’s time to rebound.” I should clarify, that was not the first thought that came to mind. I did break down sobbing while driving home from picking up dinner that day. However, as I quietly ate dinner with my kids, I started to feel the “rebound” attitude rising up inside me. As one part of me grieved the loss of a school year, the other part of me wanted to take back some control over my life. I knew what I had to do. I decided to get the Earth Day thoughtful pinches ready for the teachers.