All tagged Dollar Tree

Copy Cat

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. I am notorious for seeing ideas and copying them. And when people copy my ideas I am super flattered. My “movement” is to have thoughtfulness imitated throughout the world. I know that is a lofty goal but joy is contagious and we definitely experience joy when we see or learn of someone being thoughtful. I can only hope that thoughtfulness is a by-product of people imitating other people.

National Pencil Day

Many people, including myself, consider me “old school”. So it shouldn’t be a surprise that I would get so excited to learn about National Pencil Day. Pencils are so my jam - I can’t wait to celebrate this national day. I use pencils to write so many notes that I go thru them like water. Every Fall, when it’s time to buy new school supplies, my kids do not need pencils because their school provides them. But that doesn’t stop me from taking advantage of the low “back to school” prices and buying fresh packs of No. 2s.


For so many years, I have kept the tradition of listening to Christmas music non-stop starting the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas night. In recent years, I have added another “Day After Thanksgiving” tradition. I pull out all of our Nutcracker items to mark the beginning of the celebration (more like fear) of my daughter’s upcoming dance schedule. Prior to COVID, the weeks leading up to Christmas were ONLY about Loyce Houlton’s Nutcracker Fantasy at the State Theater. The mugs, sweatshirts, decorations and the coveted fuzzy sock/slippers which have Nutcrackers printed all over them come out of hibernation to help me get in the mood. I’m giving credit to the socks for keeping me grounded during the whirlwind of a season.

Root Beer Float Your Boat

Some people don’t like root beer; it just doesn’t float their boat. Others love root beer. For example for kids, root beer is the closest thing to an adult beverage as they could get, so naturally they will like it. Especially because the word beer is in the name! In our house we don’t drink much soda but my kids drink caffeine-free root beer once in awhile. Add scoops of ice cream to this rare occasion and you’ll witness the root beer floating our boats!

Flip Flops has an application process in order for each national day to be approved. One of the many reasons why I love this site is that national days cannot be “bought”. Trust me, I tried. Lol. One requirement is that the day cannot contain a business name within the title. For instance, at first I wanted National Thoughtful Pinch Day but after the application was denied, I decided to reapply and ask for National Thoughtful Day. Another example is National Fried Rice Day which was submitted by Benihana who sponsors an annual event that features their delicious fried rice. I’m guessing that it could not be called National Benihana Day but National Fried Rice Day works just as well. I love that shared the following information about how National Flip Flop Day came to be: