When I was in my twenties I thought fifty was REALLY old. Rightly so! My twenty year old self had not gone thru multiple times barfing up “over-served” tequila and the awkward break ups and the whole roller coaster of finding a career that really fit my “calling”. So now that I’m turning 50, I agree - I am old. There’s a thirty year difference between a 20 and 50 yr old!
I have never been one to hide my age and I will share with you, it’s not because I look young. Each year, I proudly tell people my age because I am genuinely happy with how much I’ve accomplished within my 49 years. I may have achieved a lot less or a ton more than others my age. But the only person I try to compare myself to is myself - year to year. If I look back over the past year and feel like I am progressing forward, then I’m happy because I’m winning. Since I’ve been on a roll, I am excited to see how much more I will accomplish in my 50th year. Sure, I can go down the rabbit hole and name off so many things that I wish I did differently. But I know that had I done things differently, it would mean that I would not be where I am today. Right here. Right now. There’s no guarantee that I would have been happier or more successful if I took those other turns. What I have learned is that if I celebrate each year, remarkably, I keep on winning.
You’re thinking: Blah, blah, blah. Skip to the good stuff. What do you give a 50 year old for their birthday? Well, that depends on the 50 year old. Are they having a destination celebration? Are they having an epic party (That’s me - it’s happening!)? Are they celebrating by having a fancy dinner? Are they someone who wants to hide and not celebrate at all? The following suggestions could be used for any of the above. Personalize, copy, paste - you do you. These gifts have been tried and tested and have already brought smiles to at least two 50 year olds that I know.
When my bestie/sister/cousin, Jay-Jay, turned 50 years old - her best friends and us cousins joined her at Lake Oconee in Georgia for a milestone destination celebration.
These shirts say, “My idea of a cabin by the lake is the Ritz. Jay’s 50th May 22-24.” We had matching cups too.
We clean up nicely. The fancy dinner celebration was so tasty with top notch wine and food presentations including a whimsical cotton candy dessert.
I am constantly trying to be original with my pinches for thoughtful Jay-Jay because she truly deserves creative gifts. So I put together a “50” themed scavenger hunt for our celebrant. I wasn’t quite sure if she would partake in it but boy, did she ever!
I sent this list just typed plainly via email to our cousin Pauline. Magically, she made it look like this!
Answers: 1. 50 Cent, 2. 50 Shades of Grey, 3. 50 yard line, 4. $50 5. Hawaii is the 50th state.
After Jay-Jay figured out clue #1, she had to use 2 quarters (50 cents) to play “Quarters”. She bounced the quarters into two drink cups. She drank one drink and chose one of us to drink the other. For clue #2, her task was to ask someone she didn’t know, what was their favorite part of 50 Shades of Grey. She asked our waiter, who we believe was in college and played football. His answer: all of it. For clue #3, her task was to do a cheer in front of people that she didn’t know. She performed the UGA cheer in front clueof the entire pool! The thoughtful pinch that she “earned” was a Vineyard Vines 100 Year NFL themed tote bag. For clue #4, her task was to sing the song, “We wear short shorts” in front of people that she didn’t know. Again, she performed this to the entire pool. She earned a pair of shorts that were originally $100 but then marked down to $50. The shorts fit her like a glove and they show off her great legs! Last but not least, she had to name all 50 states after she figured out clue #5. She was “lei’d” with fifty $1 dollar bills on a money lei as her reward. Additionally, I wrote up a “50 things about Jay-Jay” list in scrambled words. She unscrambled all of them in no time flat! Each of these pinches alone were small, but together, in this format, made giving them to Jay-Jay fun and special.
Last, I gave 50 wishes to Jay-Jay written in a book similar to the lavender book above. These tiny books each only measure 3 x 4.5 inches but they are big pinch. By filling in the blanks after the prompts, every page is an opportunity to share one’s thoughts which is special to receive. Gift #7 - this blue book from Jay-Jay just came in the mail today! Great minds think alike!
Here’s a :30 commercial to showcase this purple thoughtful pinch. My friend Renee sent this to me as my early birthday gift and I love it. I wish I could bring it to my epic party in California so I can drink out of it all day long. But it’s made of glass so I will not be traveling with it. I do plan to start sipping from it sooner rather than later!
Usually, if I receive birthday cards or packages early, I don’t open them until my actual birth date. However, I was instructed by my cousin Jay-Jay to open her gifts before my birthday. It’s way out of my comfort zone but I listened to her. She’s the one who gives the thoughtful pinches, I am just the recipient who blogs about them. This is over-the-top but believe me, the following gifts are really only from one person.
Last Wednesday, on August 21st, I received this whole lot. In addition to a dozen Whoopie Pies (Gift #1A) by No Big Whoop! Bakery, I received these six gifts. The instructions are to open one gift a day.
Gift #1B- This picture frame. For my 50th birthday I wanted an epic party that would include my Pellicer family (see picture of them at my wedding in 2003). We will be missing many Pellicers, but hopefully we can capture a picture for this frame.
Gift #2 - “Turning 50 is like making lemons into lemonade.” Jay-Jay timed this perfectly because she wanted me to open these thank you cards on a Thursday. Thank You Card Thursday. Yes, she’s that thoughtful.
Gift #3 - “No tip-toeing into the next decade…Nope, you’re taking a STANCE and jumping in w/both feet!”
Gift #4 - Magnets: Boss Babe - Make Your Mark - if these don’t motivate me, what will?
Gift #5 - I can’t get enough Kate Spade. These gift tags are way too thoughtful! She is right about them being a “punch” for my pinches.
Gift #6 - Jay-Jay always gives me good advice. As she suggests above, I will wish! This shea cream from 1818 Farms is the best!
There you have it! A list of gifts to give a 50 year old. Hopefully, this list gets the wheels turning and inspires you to get creative with your thoughtful pinches. Stay tuned for Gift #8, which I will open today and finally on Wednesday, August 28th I will open the last of the fullest birthday weeks that I’ve ever had! Who doesn’t like opening a gift a day for a week? I’m not sure what else Jay-Jay has thought of, but I’m certain that whatever is wrapped up in these fun packages is going to be awesome, thoughtful and #perfectlypellicer.
Gift #8 - My faves - Southern Straws, a tradition that started years ago! Great flavors. I love the new size - it will help me control myself. Lol.
Gift #9 - a wonderful scented candle. Ah, Om Shanti! This is such a great pinch. I can’t stand the card! Are daughters of twins or what? She sent this card even before I posted this blog. Love.