All tagged Thank You Card Thursday

The Journal Entry

I thought about sharing my journal entry from January 11, 2021 because on that day, I wrote down 51 hurdles that were effecting my life at that time. Some hurdles are deep and personal while others are not a big deal at all. Nonetheless, they are all hurdles. The main reason why I wrote them down in my journal was because I knew that if I saw each hurdle on it’s own line, I would see that each and every one of them was something I could handle. On that particular day, it just so happened that I was experiencing them all at once. Even though I captured the moment in my journal with written words, it has taken me awhile to put those words into context, explaining the mental gymnastics that my brain performed at the beginning of 2021.


When I was in my twenties I thought fifty was REALLY old. Rightly so! My twenty year old self had not gone thru multiple times barfing up “over-served” tequila and the awkward break ups and the whole roller coaster of finding a career that really fit my “calling”. So I agree, I am old - the thirty year difference between a 20 and 50 yr old is a lot of years.