Avocado Day
We were on our second date having breakfast at a restaurant when I knew the hub could be "the one". We both ordered dry toast with a side of avocado with our meal. As soon as the server dropped off our food, we both put the avocado on our toast. I thought I was the only one who ate toast that way! That was over twenty-two years ago! Nowadays restaurants charge an arm and leg for Avocado on Toast and it's the main dish - not a side. Well, it's worth the money. There's nothing like it.
I've always been a smasher but before the hub and I hooked up, he was a "sliced-avocado-neatly-arranged-in-a row" kind of Avocado on Toast guy. We both prefer salt and dry toast (no butter) when we enjoy this delicious entree. If you're familiar with love languages , one of the five languages is "acts of service". When I make avocado on toast for breakfast (which is at least once a week for the last 20 years), the hub knows he is loved.
I don't have a picture of it but I also make hearts on the toast for V-day or anytime I want to show some love. You can change the look of avocado on toast for holidays or special occasions but in our house, you CAN'T change the ingredients: sourdough bread or GF bread, avocado and salt.
My daughter and some of her friends love to pronounce avocado - uh-va-kuh-doo. For a birthday thoughtful pinch she gave a sparkly, cute avocado purse to one of her uh-va-kuh-doo friends and she loved it! On July 31st it is National Avocado Day so I ordered the same purse for my daughter. I hope the shipment comes in time because I really want to pinch my daughter. Not only is the purse sparkly and fun but it also fits her cell phone which is an important feature these days.
On July 31st break out the avocados! It's time to make toast, guacamole and BLTA sandwiches. Can we also discuss that most sushi choices include avocado? It's time to celebrate the avocado. More importantly, if you know someone who loves avocado, they'd love a thoughtful pinch on this day for sure. Just go to any Target or Wal-Mart. Many retailers know that there are plenty of avocado lovers out there these days. Pencil cases, backpacks, t-shirts, stationery, coffee mugs - you name it. Avocado images are everywhere! And don't forget there are handy tools to help the avocado lover get their fix with greater ease. The peeler from Pampered Chef is a favorite summer party hostess gift.
There are a billion recipes that include avocados. Make your favorite and bring it over to someone who deserves some thoughtfulness. My pinch to you is sharing one of our favorite recipes.
My intention was to send Avocado Day cards to members of our families. My daughter helped by drawing a cute avocado for me. I had color copies made and planned on mailing them out last week so that they would arrive on time. I ended up watching my daughter swim in pre-lims and champs instead. She did great in her individual races and her Crescendo team placed second in the WSL Championship!! The cards never made it out. Looks like they'll be getting an avocado "gif" via text instead.