National Sour Candy Day
This is going to sound like I’m a kid in a candy shop but…Hooray! There’s a national day for sour candy! How cool is that? As a kid growing up I was all business - I wouldn’t waste my time on just any candy - it had to be chocolate or nothing at all. Well, I never walked away from any candy, but my preference would be chocolate bars.
When I gave up chocolate the day after my 45th birthday (I just started eating chocolate again this past Fall), I had to be creative with satisfying my sweet tooth. To do so, I would eat white chocolate and that was fine. I actually became a white chocolate treasure hunter when I would go into gas stations. Sometimes I found some good white chocolate bars. I started liking fruity candy like original Skittles or Jelly Beans. I would eat different flavors of ice cream and find cookies that didn’t contain chocolate. But I still needed something.
My first Galentine event was in February 2022. Hosted by my friend Rachel, she gave so many pinches to her guests that you would have thought it was Christmas!
Each guest received a candle, a box of LOVE notes, beautiful + delicious cookies AND a cube of Sugarfina gummies. You can see the lucite square boxes on the table filled with either pink and red lips - Sugar Lips - or Pink Diamonds. I took home the box of Sugar Lips. Did I mention that this was a brunch at the Four Seasons? For the record, I had a mimosa and eggs Benedict which alone was plenty generous!
One day in March or April 2022, I decided that the Sugarfina box of Sugar Lips that had been sitting in the nook between my desktop monitor and the base needed to be opened. I heard little Marie Kondo’s voice in my head say, “Open all your gifts and if they spark joy, keep them. If not, give it away.” The box of candy had been sitting in the same spot for weeks. When I tasted that first gummy set of lips it sparked so much joy that I had to have a few more. I hadn’t eaten anything sugary sour like that before. What was this new dimension of sweetness that I stumbled upon? No wonder my kids couldn’t get enough Trolli and Sour Patch Kids! At that moment, I understood.
So it’s interesting to me that when I researched National Sour Candy Day on my favorite website, I learned that sour candy is fairly new to the candy industry. But what about -
Lemonheads have been around forever! They never went away. But now that sour candy is all the rage, Lemonheads are not the only choice for sour candy out there.
Founded in 2015, National Sour Candy Day was registered by the American Licorice Company in hopes for people to try all the varieties of candies that they sell. Thank you American Licorice Company for applying for this national day because here’s yet another fun, easy, inexpensive excuse to show thoughtfulness. You can give a thoughtful pinch by giving away a handful, a box or a big bag of sour candy. Or how about just a text expressing that you are thinking of someone because you know they love sour candy. Again, using these national days to pinch someone is just easy. National Sour Candy Day is on July 18th and sour candy can be found at so many venues. Pick some up - even to treat yourself!
Chances are you shop on Amazon and maybe you even watch(ed) Stranger Things. I ordered a package of 12 boxes of Stranger Things Sour Patch Kids to be delivered to my daughter’s ballet dorm so that she could pass them out to her new friends on July 18th. Side note: My hub just started watching Stranger Things so I picked him up a box too. I found them at Wal-Mart.
I also ordered on Amazon a little Sour Patch Kids kid’s pack to be delivered to my niece and nephew. Free shipping because I have Prime and they will get the package in plenty of time to enjoy on the national day.
I am so tempted to give my hub this bag of Sour Gummy Bears for our anniversary on July 12th. Gummy Bears are his favorite - adding the sour may be a good thing.
On another note: These resealable bags do not work in my family. They just don’t understand that they need to keep the gummies sealed or else they harden and then no one finishes the bag. Hence, the photo at the beginning of this blog shows a glass dish with a glass cover on it. Inside are some gummies from Easter. They were hard as a rock prior to me putting them in there. But for staging purposes, they worked fine. I will be loading it with these sour gummies and sealing the bag so they stay soft.
PS. Bought this bag from Wal-Mart.
About two or three years ago, my kids became obsessed with Trolli candy. I just picked up a bag of sour BURSTING crawlers from Wal-Mart. Wow, that must mean it’s even more sour than the original. My son will let me know how they are; I’ll probably skip them.
Also found this gem at Wal-Mart. Look at Haribo stepping into the sour candy game in a different form - Streamers. Yes! Kids will love this.
So as my cousin Honey-o says, “Pucker up Buttercup.” If you are a creature of habit and need an excuse to dabble in something different, try sour candy on July 18th, National Sour Candy Day with many of us in the nation. If you always eat a certain candy and avoid sour, change it up. I did and I’m so glad I did.