Wash Away the Day
Photo credit: Elliot Johnston Facebook: @propertyshotsmn, Instagram: propertyshots
I’m sure people are getting sick of me constantly talking about Prosecco all the time. For the record, I’m not sponsored by a Prosecco company (yet). But I simply MUST bring up this topic again because today is National Prosecco Day!!
In a post that I wrote a few years ago called Game Changers , I shared some info that I learned from a Butcher & The Boar wine tasting event held for my friend who asked for it as her Push Present. Isn’t that a cool gift to give a new mom? I learned that Prosecco, according to many Italians, is served very casually because it is not champagne. It’s customary, every day, to have a glass of Prosecco late in the afternoon/early evening in order to “wash away the day”. Whether the events of the day were good or bad, once they are washed away, the Italians have a clean slate for their evening.
I tell that story about the Italians and their Prosecco as if I am on “Repeat” because there’s always at least one person in the crowd who hasn’t heard it before. And even if everyone has heard the “wash away the day” story before, not many people mind the reminder. Drinking a glass of Prosecco symbolically allow us to let go of each day and look forward to each night. No matter how great or how crappy the day was, it’s over. If the evening plans include partying til dawn or quietly snuggling with your Netflix, I mean your children, we’re more likely to embrace our evenings when we carry less stress.
Today, August 13th, is #NationalProseccoDay. According to Nationaldaycalendar.com, Riodo Prosecco created National Prosecco Day in 2016 to celebrate the summer months. Win-Win! I love summer and I love this type of wine. I’m excited to share some Prosecco pinch ideas:
This thoughtful pinch is under $6 per bottle ($4.99 at Target). A little bottle like this will go a long way to show that you’re thoughtful and it won’t break the bank. I used to buy single serving bottles of Prosecco for myself because I only needed a glass, not a bottle, each day.
But now I buy full size bottles of Prosecco - thanks to my friend Allison - because she gave me this wine stopper. The stopper helps keep the wine from going flat or spoiling quickly. Not to mention, it saves me money, time and effort of recycling so many little bottles per week.
Then again, maybe you or (someone you know) needs a WHOLE bottle of Prosecco at the end of a rough day. This cup holds a full bottle of wine and it’s logo is so spot on. In this photo, pinot is in the glass but imagine how pretty the Prosecco would look in it. Thanks again, Allison!
When I asked my wine expert friend, Christie, if she had any nuggets of info about Prosecco that she could share, she hooked me up with this article. I love how the “quick read” format of the article confirms the theory: Italians really do live the sweet life. It’s always good to know some solid facts about the wine we enjoy.
Christie knows wine and shares her knowledge with me all the time. She has been to Italy four times but she had never heard the story about “washing away the day” before. Imagine me telling a wine expert about the Prosecco custom! Christie’s recommendation for Prosecco is Tiamo - it’s made using organic grapes!!
If you’re ever at an event and something like a mobile Prosecco truck is there too, consider yourself lucky! Tiny Tap is a new company around the Twin Cities that launched in September 2018. They have been making many appearances and enhancing events and venues throughout the area ever since. According to their site, it is the first of it’s kind in America!
Trevor was very patient while I was setting up my Twin Cities launch party. Many guests were impressed by his service.
Photo credit: Elliot Johnston Facebook: @propertyshotsmn, Instagram: propertyshots
The set up, courteous service, stemware, perfect temperature Prosecco, service and the clean up are all included when you hire these guys to come to an event. Oh, one sweet deal breaker is having the opportunity for your guests to “flex” (new word for bragging) on their social media feed. Worth it!
Two social media influencers - Nicole Trigger of Live&Love MN and Wendy Witherspoon of Stella & Dot/ VIP Style Insiders pose for a Prosecco toast at the Twin Cities Thoughtful Pinch App Launch on July 31, 2019.
Photo credit: Elliot Johnston Facebook: @propertyshotsmn, Instagram: propertyshots
The bottom line is this: Whether you hire Tiny Tap or practice self care by pouring yourself a glass of the sparkly beverage or share the Italian “wash away the day” story with someone who has never heard it or pass along the article from my friend Christie or give someone a single serving bottle/full size bottle wine cup on Tuesday 8/13 for #nationalproseccoday - you’re being thoughtful! Cheers to you! #celebrateeveryday!