Egg Nog Day
Photo Credit: Tiny Acorn Portraits
Some people crinkle up their noses when they hear the words egg nog. For the rest of us, we say, “Bring it!” I suppose many people can’t imagine that drinking eggs can be tasty. However, I believe that any concoction that contains alcohol is worth at least a try.
Today, December 24th, is National Egg Nog Day! And here’s what has to say about this national day: “Eggnog is a sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and cream, sugar, whipped eggs, and spices. When served at parties and holiday get-togethers, liquor is often added to the eggnog, such as brandy, rum, whiskey, bourbon, vodka, or any combination. The full glass is typically garnished with a sprinkle of cinnamon, nutmeg, or pumpkin spice.
Also used as a flavoring, eggnog creates delicious coffees, teas, baked goods, and puddings.
Even though the origin of the eggnog drink is debated, many believe that the drink initially developed in East Anglia, England. However, others believe it originated as a medieval European beverage made with hot milk.”
In the spirit of giving, my thoughtful pinch for you will be two egg nog recipes. Each comes with a story.
The first egg nog recipe that I’m sharing with you is from a friend named Julie. Many years ago, when I was dating the hub, we would go to Julie’s house for Christmas dinner. She made her special egg nog and most people got pretty hammered off of it. Before I took that first sip at her house, I had never tried egg nog. I will admit, the name sounds awful. I LOVED it and was hooked. Even though I could taste some alcohol, it went down easily so I just kept drinking it. Whenever she served the egg nog, someone would tell the story about how one year (before I knew them) they were all having such a good time partying, they didn’t realize the dog had gotten into the egg nog and drank an entire punch bowl of it! She was one drunk dog.
I LOVE seeing well-used recipes written like this!! In case you can’t read this, it goes something like this:
Ingredients: 10 eggs - separated, 1 pound of powered sugar, 1 pint of brandy (Julie recommends Christian Brothers) and 1 pint of dark rum (Julie recommends Myers dark rum), 2 quarts of half & half and 1 quart of milk (use whole milk).
Steps: 1. Beat the yolks until thick and white in color. 2. Beat in the sugar gradually. 3. Add brandy and rum to blend well. 4. Add half & half and milk slowly; stirring constantly. 5. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff, not dry. 6. Fold the egg whites into the main bowl which has all the other ingredients.
Julie recommends using small glasses because the egg nog is very rich. Thank you for the recipe Julie!
The second egg nog recipe that I’m sharing is in honor of Eddie Andreu. When my hub was working with the Dolphins, a special co-worker named Diane sent him home with a bottle of “Coquito” (Puerto Rican Egg Nog) for Christmas. Hmmmm, I had such a good experience with Julie’s egg nog, I couldn’t wait to see what this Coquito was all about. The moment I brought the glass to my lips, I smelled this wonderful fragrance of coconut and cinnamon. Friends, I drank this concoction as if my life depended on it. I couldn’t get enough of the tropical island + home-comforting flavor combo. I immediately asked for the recipe. Although Diane is very nice, she refused to give me the recipe. She told me that it was a secret family recipe and she gladly offered to make it for me every year. Diane kept her promise and each year, the bottles she sent home with the hub got larger and larger! She was so good to me. When we moved to MN, I didn’t get Coquito for Xmas anymore. I begged Diane for the recipe. She wouldn’t budge. Finally, about five years later, she sent me an email with the recipe. I felt as if I was welcomed into a secret club or that I earned my way into her family trust.
I immediately made one batch of Coquito and shared some with the neighbors. Everyone raved about it. They demanded the recipe but I wouldn’t share it. I made a promise to Diane that I wouldn’t share the recipe and I followed her footsteps in giving the egg nog as a thoughtful pinch every year so they wouldn’t need the recipe. Very recently, once again, I asked Diane if I could share the recipe for this post on National Egg Nog Day. This time, she was thrilled to share it. This egg nog recipe was one that Diane’s dad gave to her. Herbert “Eddie” Andreu, her dad, unexpectedly passed away in April 2019 and this will be her first Christmas without him. We both agreed that Eddie was trying to let Diane know that he is up there watching over her and this egg nog recipe is just another sign to bring her comfort. Thank you for the recipe Eddie and Diane!
Can you tell I have used this recipe many, many times? I think this is my 7th Christmas that I will make this yummy concoction. Some amendments/notes: use classic egg nog since the canned Borden variety is hard to find. After I pour one of the milks into the blender, I use that empty can to measure out regular egg nog to replace 1 can of Borden Egg Nog. And the small box of raisins is the size you would put in a kid’s lunchbox. I also use more than 1/3 cup of rum.
Here is the classic egg nog that I will use instead of Borden’s canned. And if you’re dairy-free but not egg, alcohol or sugar free - don’t forget, there’s always almond milk egg nog out there!
So today, on #nationaleggnogday, I’m going to play some Christmas music and along with baking cookies, I will make batches of both egg nog recipes. I plan to fill up some mason jars with both nogs and give as pinches to my neighbors. I think the timing will work out beautifully because Julie’s Egg Nog will be ready to drink while they wait a day or two for Eddie’s Coquito’s flavors to blend. Two different recipes of egg nog but one thoughtful gift from us. Hopefully those who enjoy egg nog will have a glass of it soon. Cheers!