Instagram Message: Bunny ears? Wait, what holiday is coming up? Easter?
You know what's fun about going into a craft store such as Michael's or Jo-Ann Fabric? June is not even over but Halloween is already set up in most aisles and there are sparks of Xmas items starting to creep into an aisle or two. [insert eye roll here]
If you love both of these holidays like me but it feels like you are being thrown an anxiety curve ball instead of being stoked to get a "131 day head start" on Halloween, I know exactly how you feel. In the past, I used to walk into Michael's for something basic like a paint pen or a picture frame and BAM! my sensory overload on the Halloween items would cause me to sweat. WTF? Is it October already? Did I miss the summer? I check myself. I'm wearing flip flops and shorts in Minnesota. Sigh of relief. I get my confidence back and think, "Hey, I realize you are providing an opportunity to take an early jump on the next holiday but I'm happily busy living in the PRESENT moment thank you very much!"
Before you think I'm dissing those stores or anyone who has already purchased and wrapped all their Xmas gifts in June, think again. First, I LOVE craft stores so there will be no dissing of them whatsoever! And second, if you're that person who is ready to get your Halloween on, I applaud you and kiss the ground you walk on. Like most situations, I find the silver lining so... because of you early-bird-holiday-crafty-people, I realize that I benefit from your need to tackle a holiday a hundred days out. It has taken me a long time to arrive at this place of calmness when I see holiday items that shouldn't be out now. Instead of worrying about the number of days till the Big Day, I now laugh at the Christmas songs playing in the stores while I'm shopping for a pumpkin carver set in October. I used to be that person that was organized and caught up with my holidays. Now I'm just living day to day and I must say that I'm barely doing that. Let the holiday decor craziness happen all around me because I have no control. I know that in November they will put out the Valentine's Day things and the cycle just keeps on going. So in my zen-like ways I just concentrate (breathe in thru the nose and out thru the mouth), find my items that I went into the store for in the first place AND most importantly I check out the current holiday's 50-75% off sale.
Last year's sale of flags weeks after the Fourth of July were .10 a piece!! Why would a flag ever need to be discounted? Of course I bought a ton! The runner was $1 at Dollar Tree bought almost 10 years ago.
For instance, this week I'm on the hunt for the Fourth of July sales. Chances are the pickings are slim by this point but there is always some stuff for sale. My eyes scan the items and the wheels in my mind start rolling. What can I use that stuff for? Are there items that could be thoughtful pinches that I can give any time of the year? Would this pinch still be relevant for next year? Red items go along way - Xmas, Valentine's Day, birthdays. Blue items for Hanukkah, nautical or sea theme, birthdays etc.. And who doesn't need anything white? Flag items can be used for thoughtful pinches for lots of holidays or events. Here are some to name a few: Flag Day (next year), cheering for the World Cup (Go USA women!), the Olympics, Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, 9/11 Patriot's Day and President's Day. Or you can always throw a baby shower like we did for Baby Rambo and we used flags everywhere. You get my drift. OOOh and since flag decor is very trendy these days accent a room in your home with some of these sale items. The idea is to turn the unique, thoughtful items into something you can use for your celebrations or your home at a fraction of the cost.