Instagram Message: My dad would be so happy to see these two singing golf clubs!
Fathers all over the country will be celebrated this Sunday. Happy Father's Day to all!
With so many lists out there for "Top 10 Best Dad Gifts" I think it's better if I skip the Father's Day Thoughtful Pinches and tell you a little story instead.
**Spoiler Alert** At first this may sound morbid or depressing but please hang in there with me, I have a point!
My dad, Frank, died unexpectedly on August 29, 2000 - the day after my 31st birthday. To say it broke my heart is well... an understatement. Almost a year later, nothing could prepare me for the month leading up to Father's Day 2001. It was the first year I had to celebrate Father's Day without my dad. Going into every store seeing cards and displays of Father's Day gifts was excruciating. I hated that I wanted to buy a card for him but had no where to send it. Also, It was difficult to answer when people asked if I was going to spend Father's Day with my dad. A very lonely feeling but I'm pretty sure I wasn't alone.
For a card-buying-gift-giving gal like me, I wanted Hallmark to come up with cards back in 2001 that were designed to give to someone who no longer existed. I just wanted to celebrate my dad in a thoughtful way.
Many have lost a parent, mother or father or both. I feel like there are so many thoughtful things we can do to celebrate the life they lived. Some people raise money under the name of their loved one in hopes of cures for others. Some run marathons to commemorate their lost parent. Some name their children after their deceased parent (like my daughter's middle name is Francesca and my nephew is Colton Frank). These are BIG examples of honoring someone. But on Father's Day a pinch could be something small for YOURSELF. Even though you are honoring your dad who is no longer here to receive it. For instance, I like to write things I would say to my dad if he were still here on Father's Day but instead of in a card, I write in a journal. Another pinch is lighting a candle on that day. Or if it's local, a visit to the burial site would be a way to show some love and respect. In the past, I have watched videos or looked thru photo albums with him in them to relive some pretty great memories. I like to tell my kids stories about what my dad would do or say. Like, "My dad would be so happy to see you guys taking golf lessons because he LOVED golf!" Or you could plant a tree in his name and every Father's Day see how much it has grown. Trees symbolize so much. You could play golf on Sunday or do something that your dad loved to do when he was alive. One other thoughtful pinch is that I reach out to those who have also lost their dads because I know they miss them too. All of these pinches benefit YOU, the one who loves and misses him.
My point is this: Whether your Pops is alive and kicking or he has "left the building", he is what the day is all about. To honor a lost loved one is being thoughtful to YOURSELF especially if you have no where to send your card to. Btw, you can do any of the above if your dad is still alive with the exception of visiting his burial site! Quick, replace that destination with a visit to his home!
Grandma and Grandpa had six boys: Pablo, John and Dad were twins, Ramon, Rufino and Manuel. Top four boys all passed away before the age of 60. Feeling so lucky and happy to have Tito Pino and Tito Manoling still celebrating Father's Days here with us!! Miss you Grandma, Grandpa, Tito Pablo, Tito Johnny, Dad and Tito Ramon!!
Looks like I covered the "Top 10 Best Dad Gifts" a.k.a. Father's Day Thoughtful Pinches after all.