All tagged Halloween


Since it was just Halloween yesterday, I had been seeing the word BOO everywhere for a month. Boo was a nickname that people used to call their boyfriend or girlfriend back in the 1990’s. In fact, Ghost Town DJ’s (a perfect Halloween-themed band name for this holiday) had a hit song titled, “My Boo” and still to this day, I can’t help but dance whenever I hear it. After that song came out, I would sign all my notes to my then boyfriend now hub, “Love - Your Boo”.

Halloween Spirit

These past two weeks, as I walk the dogs thru the hood, I’ve been loving the decorations that the neighbors are displaying in anticipation for Halloween. To celebrate the upcoming holiday, some front yards are decorated scary. Some are cute. Some are both scary and cute which is confusing but still awesome. I see blow up Draculas and ghosts and skeletons galore. It’s quite charming to see everyone getting into the spirit for this candy-filled holiday.

National Floral Design Day

Besides flowers being considered a gesture of love and care, they represent beauty and remind us of hope. Think of all the occasions that flowers are a part of - weddings, funerals, births, dinner parties, birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Spring, tea parties, Thanksgiving etc. Not to mention the scents of flowers are so naturally intoxicating. As obvious as it may seem that flowers can set the tone for any event, to me, the mystery about flowers has always been in floral designs. I know nothing about which flowers go well together and which certain positions of the flowers look pleasing to the eye. People, professional or layman, who know how to arrange flowers in a way that can make us feel certain emotions should be celebrated.

Knock Knock

I love the meme that is going around social media these days that says: “Anyone else feel like Halloween is unnecessary this year? I’ve been wearing a mask and eating candy for 7 months now, I don’t think I need a day dedicated to it anymore...” We all know what Halloween is about. Candy, candy, candy, right? Maybe costumes and parties too. But did you know that on October 31st our nation also celebrates National Knock Knock Joke Day? Isn’t that so cute? I mean, it’s appropriate. Knocking + Halloween. Although unfortunately, knocking on doors will be rare, if at all, this year. Boo!