All tagged journal

"See Ya Later" Pinches

The invitation for the “See Ya Later” party that my friends threw for me said, “No gifts. “ We all know how that goes. And admittedly, I am the biggest rule breaker whenever I see that phrase on an invite. Fortunately some friends read my blog post that mentioned gifts for someone moving. I didn’t open any gifts immediately after the party because I needed a few days to let that party sink in. Since there was a lot of thoughtfulness that went into each rule-breaking gift, sharing the thoughtful pinches may be helpful. The next time there is a need to say “See Ya Later” to a friend who is moving, you’ll be ready!

The Journal Entry

I thought about sharing my journal entry from January 11, 2021 because on that day, I wrote down 51 hurdles that were effecting my life at that time. Some hurdles are deep and personal while others are not a big deal at all. Nonetheless, they are all hurdles. The main reason why I wrote them down in my journal was because I knew that if I saw each hurdle on it’s own line, I would see that each and every one of them was something I could handle. On that particular day, it just so happened that I was experiencing them all at once. Even though I captured the moment in my journal with written words, it has taken me awhile to put those words into context, explaining the mental gymnastics that my brain performed at the beginning of 2021.

Time To Get Spiritual

I waited until the last minute to decide which habit I would work on for the 365 days in 2021. I knew that I was already going to try to ride the Peloton bike once or twice a week and I knew that I was going to try to cook more meals. But I needed something that I could do every day; a habit for 365 days. It had to be something small, almost like a “no brainer” or hard to skip. In doing this habit daily, the year’s effort would add up to be significant. More importantly, the habit should have the potential to continue for years.