Planting Seeds
People must be so sick of me talking about my birthday. So sorry but this post is going to be another “something” about my birthday. The reason I HAVE to bring up my birthday is because it happens to fall on the same day as National Thoughtful Day.
I just received the video shot by Austin McCool - he documented what I did on National Thoughtful Day. Watching the video just pumped me up! And even though that national day is in the past, I feel the need to visually share what I did on that day. I gave the details about my day in the post entitled The Knock on the Door but now I’m sharing the video here on the blog! It’s all part of the plan to persuade the nation into really celebrating this day in the future years.
Since the video takes almost 4.5 minutes to watch, I feel like that pretty much wraps up the blog post for today. LOL. My posts are meant to give quick blurbs of thoughtfulness so that we can go on with our day. I think it’s helpful to have something to chew on for a week because we may be inspired to do or be thoughtful. I’m just planting seeds.
I am so grateful that I received many thoughtful pinches on my birthday this year. But the one gift that was both a birthday gift AND a cool celebration of National Thoughtful Day was this present below from my friend Lisa. But before you see the gift, first let me describe Lisa. She is truly one of the coolest gals I know. She has it all going on. Married with three great kids, she has a career and knows a lot about a lot. Lisa loves to invite her eclectic group of gal pals into her welcoming, warm home so that we can meet each other and, as her daughter Tiny (nickname) says, “Sit around drinking beer and talking.” Lisa is always throwing a party or gathering friends for any occasion. She is very creative in gift-giving and is also a fantastic story teller with a great sense of humor. Lisa sent me the gift below via email on my birthday and it made me so very happy. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT!
My favorite: Listened. It costs nothing except time to listen to someone and yet, it could be the most thoughtful thing to do on National Thoughtful Day.
National Thoughtful Day is all of the above. I hope that by watching the video and by reading over the acts of thoughtfulness in Lisa’s email, that we will all get the idea and spread the word. Being thoughtful is not complicated and it doesn’t have to cost much so we can start gathering ideas for next August 28th.
Ok, now I’m officially finished talking about my birthday (until next year!). However, I would really love to keep National Thoughtful Day in our conversations for days, weeks, months and years to come. Planting the seeds for future generations.