Humans have an intrinsic desire to help others. No matter how small or large the contribution - in the form of time, energy, talent and/or financially - when we help others, it makes us feel good. Simply put: we volunteer because we hope that our help will help. Inevitably, we walk away feeling like we’re the ones who benefitted from the experience.
And that is how volunteering can become somewhat addicting. Once we have experienced the feeling of making others feel better, we tend to have a tugging at our hearts to feel that way again; over and over. At my daughter’s school, the high schoolers are required to log in 80 hours of community service within the span of their four years of high school. I commend the school for introducing and/or exposing the students to what hopes to be the start of something they will continue for years to come - volunteering in their communities regularly.
Since our arrival to the Denver Broncos organization, I have been so intrigued by the impact that the team makes in the local community. Led by Allie Engelken as the Executive Director of Community Engagement, the Broncos were named a finalist for ESPN’s Sports Humanitarian Team of the Year Award in May 2020 along with three other sports teams: the LA Dodgers, NYC F.C. and the Sacramento Kings. Only one other NFL team has been named a finalist since its inception six years ago. Imagine each year 32 NFL teams, all who I would like to think are involved in their community, are considered along with every basketball, baseball, soccer, etc teams. The Broncos must have made a big impression over at ESPN!
So far I have had the opportunity to roll up my sleeves and help out for the Special Olympics Flag Football Kit Packing (with my kids in tow -see photo above), I walked in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s, I delivered food for Meals on Wheels (which is part of Volunteers of America Colorado) and the Food Bank of the Rockies. When I say opportunity, I am grateful that I have been included in these events because I get to learn first hand what these organization do for our community members who need help. I am finding that thru volunteering, I can quickly learn what’s going on around me in a more concentrated way. I can’t wait to volunteer for more events in 2022.
This Meals on Wheels is division of Volunteers of America Colorado. Shawna and Lauren were on my team and the highlight of the day was meeting Lomita, a 103 year old woman who only takes a water pill for her swollen feet occasionally. No other meds. She’s a voracious reader and doesn’t need glasses. Inspiring!
Besides rolling up my sleeves and doing the work that is needed for these organizations, I believe the people who are receiving the help appreciate a few thoughtful pinches that I always bring along with me to each event: eye contact, genuine conversations - asking how they feel on that day, smiling and wishing them a great day. For example, for the Food Bank of the Rockies, cars were lined up for at least an hour prior to the distribution. Due to COVID, these registered recipients were not able to “shop” for the food and goods like in years prior. Instead they had to stay in their cars and go thru a make-shift drive-thru. Each car made two stops: one where they received a box of food staples and items for their children and the next stop was for fresh produce. I was in charge of placing milk cartons in the cars that were receiving meals for their kids. Each child was allotted two milk cartons. I greeted the driver and passengers, made eye contact with them and asked how they were feeling on that day. When I was finished placing the milk in the car, I wished them a great day.
Prepping boxes of food staples.
We ran out of the official boxes so we improvised by using the boxes that held the supplies from Food Banks of the Rockies.
I was told that if our Broncos volunteers didn’t show up on this day it would have been a handful doing the work of so many. That broke my heart but it made me feel glad that we all showed up to help.
It may seem like a no brainer to give out the pinches that I mentioned above but sometimes we could be on auto pilot and just do the work. It did not take long for me to notice the emotions from the families as they approached us with their cars. I sensed guilt, shame, anxiety, gratitude, sadness, relief, encouragement, happiness - maybe all of these emotions all at once. When I made eye contact and smiled, I could see in their body language that they relaxed just a tad. When I asked how they were feeling on that day, many times the person would actually check in with themselves and answer truthfully , “I’m ok.” Then with a “Have a great day!” send off, I want to believe that they actually did have a great day because of the boxes of food, diapers and milk.
As an FYI about the Broncos community engagement, on Tuesdays the players typically have the day off. Many of them volunteer for their causes or visit certain organizations. Videos of these events are usually posted on the Broncos 365 app and I like to watch them because I see the players in action as they put their thumbprint on these opportunities to help out. Many players volunteer because they are giving back. It always melts my heart to hear them share a vulnerable side of themselves as they remember how it was for them growing up. On the outside, I see a strong, professional and accomplished person but I hear, in their voice, a story of someone who did not have it easy. I also love to see the videos of the Broncos players writing hand written notes to those receiving care packages. I can never hold it in; I fist pump in the air and yell, “Yes! Handwritten notes!”. The gesture of a handwritten note goes a long way and I’m proud that it has been a part of these players’ Tuesdays.
On Friday I have another opportunity to help out. Like the other community events, this one has been set up months in advance by Allie and her crew. This time I will be distributing food from a food pantry to families in need with an organization called We Don’t Waste. The opportunity is another chance for me to bring some encouragement and help to someone in need and I have a feeling that it will come right back to me in a greater way because thoughtfulness is always at the center of volunteering.