National Days Giveaway!

National Days Giveaway!


At the beginning of the school year last year, I gave a copy of the National Day Calendar to Food Services at my children’s school. My hope was to influence them into considering some of the national food days for the school lunch menus. I plan on giving Food Services a calendar again this year. The reason I believe that this thoughtful pinch is worth giving away is because food connects people. Even the pickiest eaters will find connections. Celebrating some national food days at school would be fun because kids of all ages talk about food. They share their opinions, describe textures and comment about food scents. On National Broccoli Day, believe me, there will be some connections within the lunch lines!

Connection, to me, is the basis of thoughtfulness. No one ever does something thoughtful for someone else without an intention to connect. I love about talking about national days because they connect us not only to the ones we love and care about but also to complete strangers. Many of us are looking for having something in common with others. National days are opportunities to show thoughtfulness in big or small ways. These days provide additional reasons to reach out to someone and let them know we’re thinking of them. Of course, some national days will resonate with some more than others and that’s a good thing. We are all thoughtful in our own ways; this gives every calendar day the potential to be celebrated by any one who wants to acknowledge it.

I have been an ambassador for since the summer of 2019. However, I just recently found the National Day stickers that came with the job. Now, I have been wearing them on the national days that I support with my blog. In other words, if I’m wearing the sticker, know that it means that I have written a post relating to that particular day. Supporting is so easy for me because the company, whether it is their intention or not, aligns with what I am trying to do; spread thoughtfulness. You’d be surprised how many people read my stickers and engage in a conversation with me. It is very endearing to know that many want an opportunity to connect.

I was so busy on this day but I managed to make my Trader Joe’s Lasagna on July 29th - National Lasagna Day.

I was so busy on this day but I managed to make my Trader Joe’s Lasagna on July 29th - National Lasagna Day.

I wrote separate posts, Mahjong Mom and Girlfriends , for two national days that fall on the same calendar day August 1.

I wrote separate posts, Mahjong Mom and Girlfriends , for two national days that fall on the same calendar day August 1.

National Waffle Day is on August 24th. The post I wrote is called: Do You Waffle? I wore the sticker smack dab in the middle of my shirt to avoid getting stuck in my hair.

National Waffle Day is on August 24th. The post I wrote is called: Do You Waffle? I wore the sticker smack dab in the middle of my shirt to avoid getting stuck in my hair.

Yes - my birthday, August 28th is coincidentally National Thoughtful Day. The first Thoughtful Day was celebrated this year 2020. Thoughtful Day Top 5 is the name of the post that supports this day.

Yes - my birthday, August 28th is coincidentally National Thoughtful Day. The first Thoughtful Day was celebrated this year 2020. Thoughtful Day Top 5 is the name of the post that supports this day.

This national day was created for me.  National Be Late for Something Day.  Celebrated on September 5th.

This national day was created for me. National Be Late for Something Day. Celebrated on September 5th.

My outfit matched the pinches that I gave out on National White Chocolate Day. This day is celebrated on September 22nd and the post that I wrote to support this day is White Chocolate Day.

My outfit matched the pinches that I gave out on National White Chocolate Day. This day is celebrated on September 22nd and the post that I wrote to support this day is White Chocolate Day.

Recently I was interviewed on a show called Today is a Reason to Celebrate. If it was a decent interview I would have gladly shared it with you but ... Anyway, Amy, the interviewer who is awesome, asked me about The one good thing that came out of that interview is that it got me thinking about my role as an ambassador for this company. If I believe that the calendar could help our school celebrate national food days, there has to be other schools that might enjoy celebrating them as well. And what about all the other national days that don’t pertain to food but are appropriate for school-aged kids? These days can be celebrated at school too. FYI, this link is a wonderful resource for good clean fun celebrations.

SO I’M IN THE MOOD TO GIVE SOMETHING AWAY! I feel so strongly about spreading thoughtfulness using national days that I want to give away some calendars! This is so exciting to me because the last time I gave something away was back in March 2020, right before the nation shut down. Here’s how to “win” a calendar from my giveaway.

  1. Think about a school, an educator, a company or a person who could benefit from having their own copy of the National Day Calendar.

  2. Send me a note: Use the comment field on this post, an email to or use social media @thoughtfulpinch telling me why you or someone you know would benefit from receiving a National Day Calendar.

  3. Include the first and last name of the person or the name of the company or school in the note to me.

  4. There will be a total of 40 winners.

  5. If you or someone you entered wins, I will reply back to the original submission contact requesting the winner’s mailing address.

  6. Each winner will receive two calendars! 2020 right away and 2021 once they are available to send out. Let’s face it, 2021 is promising to be a better year than 2020.

  7. I will mail the calendars to winners anywhere in the nation. At this time, international winners will not be included. Sorry!

  8. The giveaway will be available until supplies last or will conclude by November 1, 2020; whichever comes first.

By having this giveaway, there are a couple of things that I hope to accomplish. First, I cannot wait to hear from people about why someone deserves to receive the calendar. I love learning about thoughtful people who deserve a fun prize. And second, I want to celebrate many days with everyone who becomes aware of these national days because of

If you’re interested in having a great calendar filled to the brim with lots of good information, great images and well-organized month to month data for yourself, feel free to click on this link for the store. You’ll find all sorts of fun merchandise to celebrate every day. Happy shopping!

Looking forward to hearing from you!



Thoughtful Wedding

Thoughtful Wedding

White Chocolate Day

White Chocolate Day