All tagged connection


The number seven is a popular number. Besides being worn by many great athletes like Elway, there are many positive associations with the number. I may be one of few but I actually consider the “7 Year Itch” theory a positive thing. And who doesn’t like belting out Take Me Out the Ball Game during the 7th Inning Stretch?

Connection (Part 3)

Social media keeps us connected to friends, family and acquaintances from all parts of the world. It is fascinating to have this connection right at our very own finger tips. Remember when writing letters was the only way to reach people? Then everything evolved: telegraphs, the telephone, morse code on the radio, email, fax machines, pagers, cell phones and now here we are, socially connected. If we need to get in touch with someone, the only struggle we may encounter is a bad wifi connection. Other than that, it’s amazing how quickly we can connect to someone.

Connectors (Part 2)

So there is connection and then there are connectors. Two totally separate nouns that I’m writing about in my “Connection” blog post series. What would the discussion about connections be without connectors? Connectors are instrumental in putting us on paths that ultimately change our lives. For the sake of thoughtfulness and the awareness of silver linings, the connectors that I am referring to in this post are for those who change our lives for the better, not worse.

National Days Giveaway!

At the beginning of the school year last year, I gave a copy of the National Day Calendar to Food Services at my children’s school. My hope was to influence them into considering some of the national food days for the school lunch menus. I plan on giving Food Services a calendar again this year. The reason I believe that this thoughtful pinch is worth giving away is because food connects people. Even the pickiest eaters will find connections. Celebrating some national food days at school would be fun because kids of all ages talk about food. They share their opinions, describe textures and comment about food scents. On National Broccoli Day, believe me, there will be some connections within the lunch lines!

Jotted - Lines

So many of us struggle to write in a card when we want to let someone know that we’re thinking of them. Maybe we want to mark an occasion, soothe a sadness, congratulate, encourage etc. Because I am someone who talks a lot, this isn’t a problem for me. When I write to people, I just have a one way conversation. However, as easy as it is for me, I do know that the struggle to write in a card is REAL.