In a Gwyneth Paltrow interview I learned that she laughs every time she says the word “balls”. Just like her, I giggle whenever I say the word “nuts.” There, I said it and yes, I giggled. Although they are not the same thing - to anyone with adolescent humor - they are basically the same thing. All jokes aside, National Nut Day is coming up on October 22nd and well, it’s another opportunity to be thoughtful. This national food day has been celebrated since 2016 and according to, the day was founded by Liberations Foods (Choose Liberation). It’s inspiring to learn that this company advocates fair trade nuts and they promote healthy living.
I can imagine right about now, all those who have a nut allergy or lives with someone with a nut allergy, is not in the mood to celebrate this day at all. For you, I will recommend a product, that is made safe for you - Ommie bars! These bars come in wonderful flavors. No one needs to miss out and the celebrating can continue full steam ahead.
For the rest of the nut-eating world out there - I have to tell you about two nut companies that are local to the Twin Cities and I’m personally tied to both. I wish that these two friends of mine didn’t have to compete within the nuts sector because I admire both women and they are really great people. I don’t know much about the business of nuts but from what I do know, the nut world is large and small all at once. Fortunately, these two nut companies offer unique products and experiences. I also know that the margins on good, quality sourced nuts are so small that making a profit isn’t easy. I am guessing that the mission of these two nut companies derives from a labor of love. Because of this, whenever I want to influence others to fall in love with their products, I give thoughtful pinches that include one or the other or both companies.
First up, Isadore Nut & Co. My friend Tasya Kelen started this company because she was inspired by her grandfather, Isadore to find healthy snacks. I am pretty sure her grandfather would be so proud of Tasya these days because not only is her company thriving, but she is inclusive when building her support staff. In fact, she is currently celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month by offering a special box that includes her nuts. In addition, she has also combined efforts with other awesome women-owned, local businesses and offers a box that I have personally sent out as gifts.
Isadore Nut & Co. offers five flavors for sale: Cayenne Kick (my personal fave), Cinnamon Spice, Cocoa Kiss, Lemon Rosemary and Turmeric Tango.
I brought two bags of Isadore Nuts on my trip to Georgia in May 2019. We celebrated my cousin’s 50th birthday at Lake Oconee.
Next up, Num Nuts. Whenever I hear the name of this nut company, I think of two things: the Three Stooges and a nick name that my brother-in-law would affectionately call his sons whenever they messed up. Neither of these thoughts have anything to do with the sentiment someone feels when they consume a Num Nuts product. The immediate feeling is, “Num! I want more.” Instead of yum, it’s a play on words - num! The owner, my friend Chika Griswold, is one of a kind. I trust anything that she is involved in because she is very thorough in whatever she does - especially when she cooks. So when Chika began her company, I had no doubt that every ingredient HAD to be the very best and of the highest quality possible.
I purposely bought one of every product that Num Nuts sells so that I could offer it for a giveaway prize when Thoughtful Pinch turned 5 years old in March 2020. I specifically wanted all of my prizes to bring awareness to the companies that I fully support. Three items of Cocoa Nut Gravel on the left, mixed nuts in the middle and three items of Nut Gravel on the right. One lucky winner won all of this!
Close up view of the Nut Gravel and the mixed nuts.
There are no labels because these bottles are my own personal stash of Cocoa Gravel by Num Nuts. Every three weeks, I drop off these three bottles - empty and clean. A day or two later, they are miraculously filled and dropped off at my house. Lol - there are no miracles - it’s all from the heart of Chika. My daughter is obsessed. I think many others would be too because one handful is never enough. Chika informed me that there is a shortage of glass bottles so these jars will be coveted; reused over and over again.
Now onto more ideas to help us spread thoughtfulness on National Nut Day.
A couple of years ago my cousin Jay-Jay sent me the photo below and I remember it didn’t appeal to me at first. She urged me to try the combo of peanuts and candy corn. {side note: Growing up, I avoided candy corn for two reasons: I was only a fan of chocolate candy and I thought it was really corn. I wanted nothing to do with healthy candy.} I took a chance and tried the combo. It was so good. Anyone who is not a candy corn fan has to give this a try just to prove me wrong. When the excessively sweet candy corn is paired with salty peanuts - it a winning flavor. And since it’s just in time for Halloween, this nut combo would make a great thoughtful pinch.
My cousin’s Jay-Jay’s photo of her set up.
My set up. I never thought that I would eat candy corn - ever.
There are all kinds of ways to show thoughtfulness via gifts that include nuts. Below are some that I love that I have received in the past.
Game Day Mix - with purple and yellow M &M’s from Jerry’s grocery store. Given to us from my friend Allison in hopes to get more wins by the Vikings.
Yes! Spice up the sweet pecans. A great pouch from my cousin Jay-Jay.
A gift for my 50th bday from my friend Christy. The basket had Prosecco, cups, napkins and two types of nuts - Sugar & Spice + Herb-n-Nuts.
Then for my 51st birthday Christy sent me this package. She knew I liked it so much last year that she topped it off with this care package. So thoughtful!
Speaking of care packages. This year, when I sent off care packages for some college folks - I included nuts. Since I love both companies - Num Nuts and Isadore Nut - I included both. I try to give them the items that are not easy to find wherever they are.
For Emily’s college care package, I gave the Zesty Lemon variety from Isadore Nut & Co. and I always give the Cocoa Gravel from Num Nuts. I included Dots products because those are hard to find outside of this region and thank you cards (stamps included).
For Mack’s college care package, I included the Cayenne Kick version of the nuts because I knew he likes spicy and Cocoa Gravel to balance out the two kinds of nuts.
When I returned to Georgia this year for a wedding, I checked in a bag that only contained goodies from this region including nuts from both nut companies, Rustica cookies and Dots products. Each pinch that I gave away had a pouch of Num Nuts Cocoa Gravel and a pouch of Cayenne Kick from Isadore Nut & Co. My hope is to grow a fan base outside of the Twin Cities.
In continuing with the gift-giving spirit, I wanted to share that we discovered on my hub’s birthday a couple of years ago, that many of our friends gave big containers of nuts along with cases of beer. We had so many nuts!
Another suggestion is to consider giving nuts as a host/hostess gift. The host/hostess can share them immediately or wait to enjoy the nuts by themselves or the next time they are making up a charcuterie board, they can add the nuts that they received.
This was a “board” at my friend Mary Jane’s. For those who love charcuterie boards - give them a gift of nuts. Nuts can be stored for a long time. Nuts add so much to any party/charcuterie board: texture, salt, crunch, esthetics, sweet, protein for vegetarians, options for dairy-free etc. Not to mention nuts can bring out the flavors in some wines. #winning
I was going to list all of the benefits of consuming nuts in this post but has already done that for us so we can just click on this link. Often times, nuts get a bad rap - like eggs and avocados once did for so many diet fads. Repeat after me, “Good fat is good for you. “ There is nothing about good fat that is bad for you. Here are my two cents: Even if you have high cholesterol, nuts are not a bad food, your cholesterol levels prevent you from eating TOO MUCH of them. Often times we blame the food, but we have to step back and take responsibility - nuts are healthy. Our habits should be healthy too. Is it good for me to eat Planters peanuts with candy corn all the time? Heck no. But can I have that combo as a treat when it’s close to Halloween and it’s a once a year indulgence? Heck yes. Unless you have an allergy to nuts, don’t deprive yourself of the benefits of incorporating them into your diets. I know a gal who would not be happy if she couldn’t have her daily almonds!
On October 22nd, National Nut Day, show someone whom you love that you’re “nuts” about them and give them a reason to believe that you are thinking of them.