Kind Lips

A really good problem to have is that some of the teachers at my kids’ school actually read my blog. This means I can’t always write about what we are going to give them before a holiday because I want them to be surprised. Last week, I didn’t write about the thoughtful pinches we were giving to the teachers for the holiday season and it worked out well. Confirming once again, the theory of “everything happens for a reason.” I originally had the idea that the gift theme would be “relax at home while you shop online”. It would include a disposable coffee cup stuffed with a packet of hot cocoa, soft socks and an Amazon gift card. But then Kind Lips came along…

My newest pinch. The kids picked out the flavor/scent that they wanted to give to each teacher.

My newest pinch. The kids picked out the flavor/scent that they wanted to give to each teacher.

Kind Lips has a mission to “spread kindness one set of lips at a time!” I learned about this company from a friend who thought the message of Kind Lips matched the message I like to bring up a lot: being thoughtful. Kind Lips hopes that every time someone applies the 100% natural and organic lip balm, they will remember to #saysomethingkind. Dry lips can be a drag. Putting on a purposeful lip balm makes the chore of moisturizing lips less chore-like and more, well for the sake of a better word - THOUGHTFUL!! A person can say something kind to someone around them. Or, as the friend of mine who told me about Kind Lips, said, “If you’re putting on the lip balm and there is no one around to say something kind to, you should say something kind to yourself.” Bullseye! In a time when everyone thinks they should be perfect, this simple act to say something kind to others and most importantly to ourselves, should be a good habit for all. If everyone said kind things, there would be less bullying around - especially self-bullying! Kind Lips believes in this concept so whole-heartedly that they donate 20% of their profits to bullying prevention programs.

For the holiday thoughtful pinches, I ended up keeping the “relax” theme but I added Kind Lips lip balm. In a way, I added the suggestion, the idea, the thought of being kind and since I’m always looking for the win-win, the lip balm also really works on dry lips.

Look, Amazon makes gift cards that can be used as book markers after they are redeemed. Yaaaas! The kids chose the Old Navy sock design ($1 on Black Friday) that best matched each teacher, piano and ballet teacher etc.

Look, Amazon makes gift cards that can be used as book markers after they are redeemed. Yaaaas! The kids chose the Old Navy sock design ($1 on Black Friday) that best matched each teacher, piano and ballet teacher etc.

The kids helped me make our piles by choosing the socks and the lip balm.

The kids helped me make our piles by choosing the socks and the lip balm.

In my first order of Kind Lips, I bought forty lip balms and wanted a business card for each. Since the balms are sold in sets, I needed forty business cards, not eight. The company swiftly fulfilled my order and special request. Shortly after I assembled the teachers’ pinches, I ordered more lip balm because I realized that I wanted to give a set to each of my kids so they can pass them out to their friends along with the message of saying something kind. The owner of Kind Lips called to ask if I needed to have the business cards for this next batch too. Very thoughtful. Yes, more business cards would be great and while I have you, is it too late to add to my order? The owner not only said that he would make sure my order was received promptly but he waived the cost for the two sets that I wanted to add (each set is $20). Amazing. Even if the owner didn’t: 1. Call to ask if I needed additional cards, 2. Allow me to add to my order after the process already started, 3. Get the product delivered within 24 hours and 4. Waive the cost - I know that this company accomplishes their mission every single day. The journey may be long, but at the end of each day, this company made a difference.

This was the “Chill Kit”: A packet of hot cocoa, Kind Lip Balm, soft socks, a candy cane and the Amazon gift card in the form of a book marker.

This was the “Chill Kit”: A packet of hot cocoa, Kind Lip Balm, soft socks, a candy cane and the Amazon gift card in the form of a book marker.

Final look of the holiday thoughtful pinch.

Final look of the holiday thoughtful pinch.

I made forty Chill Kits. I just love this shot because even if it was messy, this was fun for me to put these together.

I made forty Chill Kits. I just love this shot because even if it was messy, this was fun for me to put these together.

Before we got off the phone, the Kind Lips’ owner shared a story of a couple who had been married for many years. The husband wasn’t always kind to his wife but when she gave him the lip balm something shifted. It started off small but has made a difference - enough for the wife to take the time to call Kind Lips and report a change in their marriage. Imagine something so little making big differences. This is exactly the type of thoughtfulness that I look for when I am giving a gift.



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