I'm That Gal

Instagram Message: Don't have time to read another blog? In honor of Social Media Day (Fri 6/30) I made it easier for you to follow Thoughtfulpinch.com. Listen to it instead of reading it.

Instagram Message: Don't have time to read another blog? In honor of Social Media Day (Fri 6/30) I made it easier for you to follow Thoughtfulpinch.com. Listen to it instead of reading it.

Selfie Day was so last week. This week, on June 30th, it’s Social Media Day. In the social media world I have come a long way since I started to blog two and half years ago. Still very far from being a media diva, these are the things that I am proud about each week: 

1) I post one blog every Tuesday (since 3/3/15). 

2) I spread the word about my blog by posting at least one Instagram post a week.

3) I share that same Instagram post on two Facebook profiles.

4) I tweet about my post to my eight followers on Twitter.

I know that the more I’m on social media, the better it is for exposure. I’m trying. I think Twitter would be the best social platform to enhance my weekly blog. Perfect for a quick pinch about thoughtfulness. For instance, maybe someone was nice to me at the grocery store or I saw one of the many quotes on Facebook that struck me as thoughtful and I want to share. Potentially, I could be tweeting 24/7. All I need is time and followers.  Like I said, I’m trying. I may have to hire someone to manage my social media because I feel like I’m missing all these opportunities to connect with people. Yes, a social media manager is probably the solution to my angst of not reaching more people.  But instead of hiring one I decided to do the next best thing: add a weekly video, a vlog, to my “To Do” list. Because I’m that gal. 

I used this image on Instagram 5/8/17 with the caption: This bird told me that I can tweet all I want but if I only have 5 followers on Twitter my tweets on thoughtfulness don't get very far.

I used this image on Instagram 5/8/17 with the caption: This bird told me that I can tweet all I want but if I only have 5 followers on Twitter my tweets on thoughtfulness don't get very far.

There are two reasons why I only blog once a week: 1) for now, it’s all I really have time for if I want to write well and 2) I think the people who are interested in what I have to say are people who don’t need to hear from me more than once a week.  Maybe I am over-thinking or trying too hard to be thoughtful but I am mindful of people’s time. Who has time to read more than one of my posts a week?  After all, I am not solving world problems or giving tips on the latest mascara or saving lives with my posts.  My posts are little pinches to remind us that thoughtfulness is in all of us. Being thoughtful comes in many shapes and sizes.  If I posted more than once a week, those thoughtful pinches would become PUNCHES and no one needs that. My reader is the kind of person who would love to engage more but they can’t, they’re busy.  I am that person too.  I decided that if I videoed the blog, people could just click on the link to HEAR my blog instead of taking the time to READ my blog.  Some people are multi-taskers…Hold up! Who am I kidding? We are ALL multi-taskers and so listening to my post in the car or while making a morning smoothie may be the perfect solution. Perhaps the vlog can be played in the evening while walking the dog or sipping that French Rose. It’s the perfect 4-6 minute pinch to check in and know that there’s someone out there that has your back. 

The format of my blog is super easy to follow. Any one at any time can jump on.  There is no need to “keep up” or go back to past blogs in order to know what’s going on in the current post. I don’t want anyone to feel like they missed out on anything or feel bad because they never have time to read my blog. I get it because I’m that gal. If there’s a holiday or a situation that requires thoughtfulness, log onto this blog and type in some key words to see if I have written something about it. Here’s an example of why I do it this way: From the very first episode of Modern Family, I have loved the show. Life got crazy busy raising the kids so I haven’t watch the show since the 3rd season (it has completed it’s 8th season this year).  Now I finally have some time to watch TV but I refuse to watch the show until I am caught up from all the seasons that I missed. Because I’m that gal. So when I decided to write my blog I made a firm commitment to write a post each week that is NOT a continuation from the prior weeks. In other words, it’s not written in the same fashion as a soap opera or most blogs - it is not a continuous flow. Besides highlighting the words PINCH and THOUGHTFUL in every post and keeping it short, the only consistency I have to offer is my inconsistency. Because I’m that gal. 

Now if I was a food blogger I would need to hire a professional photographer, like my brother Tom, to keep these pictures rolling every week. And Pinterest would be a top platform. This photo did these sandwiches some justice!

Now if I was a food blogger I would need to hire a professional photographer, like my brother Tom, to keep these pictures rolling every week. And Pinterest would be a top platform. This photo did these sandwiches some justice!

I learned (thanks again to NationalDaycalendar.com) that social media all began with Friendster in 2002, MySpace in 2003 and finally permanently cemented in our lives by the invention of Facebook in 2004. I really like how nationaldaycalendar.com wrote about Social Media Day so if you have an extra moment, click on the link. If you don’t have that time, then take the tip of observing the day by posting #socialmediaday on June 30th when you are on your Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, Linked, YouTube, Pinterest, Word Press, Twitter and Snap Chat accounts.  

#socialmediaday. #yourewelcome.

#socialmediaday. #yourewelcome.

I am rolling out my first public You Tube vlog in honor of Social Media Day.  Please keep your expectations very, very low. The video is just me reading this post while set to the same pictures I used this week. The pictures are only on the video for looks but the purpose of video, for now, is for listening.  The production is very “mom and pop” or in this case, it’s “mom and 10.5 year old daughter.” I’ve grown dependent on my daughter, who really knows how to maneuver around in iMovie.  She helps me put these videos together since I know very little about these things. Because I’m that gal. I wonder if she’ll let me hire her as my social media manager.  

How much do social media managers make these days? My daughter Bella would be content with being paid in slime and books.

How much do social media managers make these days? My daughter Bella would be content with being paid in slime and books.




Let Me Take a Selfie