Instagram Message: Taken years ago of the four generations. Someday I'll be a Lola too.
Someday I will make an awesome grandmother (which I will insist to be called Lola). Since being a parent is a tough job, I feel the reward of being a grandparent will be so sweet. I could spoil the children and piss off the parents with my renegade parenting skills (Back in my day, we just gave you an iPad and let you entertain yourself and you turned out fine.). Yep, I'm looking forward to the days when I get to be called Lola. The first Sunday after Labor Day is Grandparents' Day. This year it falls on September 13th. Whether you are a grandparent or you have one, it's thoughtful to acknowledge grandparents on their day. Ever since I found out about this dedicated day (which has only been about 8 years) we have been sending my mom and my in-laws thoughtful Grandparents' Day pinches to let them know we are thinking of them.
School has started and that means mounds of papers are starting to come home. In those piles of papers are some gems that I will keep because they are "one-of-a-kind" art pieces. Plus, at the end of each school year my kids come home with a folder filled with treasures. A week before Grandparents Day I pull out all the artwork collected from the previous year. It adds up and can be overwhelming but I go thru it - piece by piece. I decide which art to keep and which art gets distributed to the grandparents. In our family, we are fortunate enough to have three sets of grandparents. Once the art work is divided into three, I adhere (a fancy term for "use a glue stick") the pieces onto 12 x 18 inch white or black paper. This creates a uniform look and makes it easier to handle. After the kids decorate the art book covers I take one poster board (purchased at Dollar Tree) for each book and fold in half. I use the folded posterboard as a giant envelopes to mail the art books.
These two pockets came home with my kids at the end of the school year (June 2015). The teachers took two poster boards and taped them together to create a big portfolio to hold artwork throughout the year. I will use these same pockets to collect artwork this whole school year 2015-2016. When it's time to send the grandparents their art books in September 2016, I will take apart these two pockets, which equals 4 poster boards in total and use 3 out of the 4 poster boards. Fold each in half and use them as envelopes for the art books. One poster board remains for next year. Recycling at it's finest.
Here's what I like about this thoughtful pinch: 1) we are sharing the kids' art with people who love my kids, 2) It gives my kids something to talk about with their grandparents, 3) the kids are proud to see their artwork honored and "published" in an art book and 4) the artwork leaves my house.
Two piles: one pile is artwork from my daughter and one from my son. These piles have artwork that will be given away.
These two piles of artwork are what I'm keeping for each child. Too precious to give away. Meanwhile... there are two full grocery bags filled with stuff that will be recycled.
As the paperwork starts piling up, don't be so fast to toss things into the recycling bin. Think of someone who could use some smiles and/or some art. It doesn't have to be a grandparent. It could be someone celebrating a birthday, someone who is sick, someone who is far away and you miss them, someone who needs a cheerful note or someone you want to congratulate. Anyone would love a pinch from a child.
A pile for Grandpa Tom & Grammy Jo. A pile for Lola. And a pile for CeCe. The next step is to adhere these pieces onto the 12x 18 paper. I use black paper for items that need to stand out and i use white paper for artwork that is already colorful and doesn't need to be further showcased.
If your kids are older, artwork may be a rare commodity. Try collecting some photos of the kids and making a little "art book". We all have random pictures (ordered too many soccer pictures, a friend gave you a picture of your kid from a bday party, teachers send home photos taken at school.) Do you stick them in a drawer like me? Well, pull those out, take out your gluestick and make a quick book of pictures. Who cares if they already got the soccer picture. They will love it. BTW, if you're wondering if pets count as grandkids - um, hello?! Of course they do!
This Sunday celebrate the Grandparents! If you are a grandparent and you don't receive a book like these, pass this post along and maybe you will next year.
The final products - One for Lola with a joke and a "Ba-dum-crash" after the punchline is delivered. One for Grandpa Tom & Grammy Jo, also with a joke but the punchline is revealed upside down. And one for CeCe with colors and esthetics solely based on the names on the markers.