Instagram Message: Shopping the sales after Halloween es muy bueno, no?
I'll admit I'm that person who turns off the porch lights after I give the last kid their treat on Halloween and I start putting away all the decorations. And to really shut-the-front-door on Halloween, I start pulling out the turkey decorations to get ready for Thanksgiving. But this year was different. Oh, don't get me wrong. I still took down everything that was up for Halloween by 930p that night, however, I didn't take out any T-day stuff yet. Contrary to what you may think, I am not so sick of the holiday that the decorations have to be out of my sight asap. I store things right away because I need to assess what I have, what will be donated instead of stored in a bin and what I need to buy for next year. We all know that after every holiday there is an after holiday sale. I have a rule about these sales: I have to have space in my storage for it. Otherwise, I won't buy anything else, even if the stuff is practically free.
Lucky me, my daughter wanted a toy from Target yesterday. My daughter does not ask for toys - she'll ask for a hamster or for her room to be painted black, but she rarely asks for toys. So I thought: the day after Halloween? It was like my kids gave me permission to take them on an errand AND they would both be on their best behavior. That's a win-win in the Paton household. Yes, I was one of those shoppers who had no shame in picking thru the remains of Halloween 2015 hoping to score some stuff for Halloween 2016. I scored big time, thank you very much! My soon-to-be-neice will be a sweet giraffe next year and I already bought the teacher gifts. I also picked up a few items that were 50% off for Halloween but could be used any time. Not just the pumpkin themed items but items that have the potential to be given as a pinch for something else. Hello?! Can you say, "STOCKING STUFFERS"?!! Cruise the Halloween aisles and sift thru stuff. Check to see if there are items that are 50-75% off and could be used for any occasion.
This adorable costume was a steal at $10. But shhh, I picked up some secret goodies that I didn't tell my brother or sister-in-law about. My niece will be "a neck above" the fashionistas next year!
When I was at a baby shower years ago, we went around the room offering advice or tips to the soon-to-be mother. I wasn't even married at the time but I remembered that a mother of two said that she would buy Halloween costumes at 50-75% off in all sorts of sizes and keep them for those rainy days when she would have to pull out stuff to keep her kids entertained. Brilliant. So when my kids were younger, I bought many types of costumes at 50-75% off for both of my kids because the winters are long here in Minnesota folks. And since it's like buying two for one, I have also donated to pre-school and pre-k classes that have the "dress up" or "Home Living" sections in their classrooms. Thoughtful pinches that provide the opportunity for imaginative play are priceless.
Who doesn't love Chewy? $1.50 for three different Star Wars themed paper masks. These can be worn anytime especially in December when the movie comes out!! Just because I needed treat bags, I didn't buy the first treat bags I saw. I didn't compromise my taste. I really wanted the same bags that I paid full price to use this year and found them at 1/2 off for next year. I stocked up on a ton of treat bags for two reasons: 1) I will use them for sure next year and 2) the black and white bags can be used for anything. For example, my daughter changed her birthday theme from Star Wars to Snoopy. Maybe we'll use the treat bags for her party. See what I mean? Some of these items can be used for other things besides Halloween. The socks and/or tissue packs are non-sweet items that we will give to teachers next year. All of the above is from Target.
Six more tips on shopping these after holiday sales: 1) Figure out which items you need and will definitely use next year before going into any store. 2) Think about the recipients - who are they and how many? 3) Remember the amount of space you have to store these items and how long you will need to keep them stored. 4) Skip buying the candy corn and the Darth Vader costumes if you have no use for them or no one to give it to. The discount is not worth the storage space (and yes, space in your stomach counts as storage space!). 5) Be the captain of your ship. Don't be tempted to compromise your taste and forgo quality - It may only cost 50 cents but it still has to be worth buying, organizing, coordinating, storing etc. 6) This is hard to believe but Target is NOT the only store with some good after holiday sales. Where you least expect it, you may find some unique treasures.
For these sales, have a game plan and be thoughtful. The rest is smooth sailing. Bon voyage!