Take the Time
I have received texts, videos, emails, voicemails or cards giving me credit for influencing them for something positive that happened. Talk about making my heart swell up - wow! Those gestures are the most valuable forms of compliments ever.
Hearing the gratitude from friends and family for something we may not even know we did is THE BEST. Unexpected praise or accolades for just being ourselves are pinches given to us from someone who is thoughtful. The fact that they TOOK THE TIME to tell us is the most important part of the thoughtful pinch! In fact, I created my Thoughtful Pinch App because I want to grow the concept of TAKING THE TIME to let someone know they are being thought of and sharing it on a social media platform.
Another mission of mine (forming Holiday Huddle was a mission) is to be an influencer of thoughtfulness that will actually benefit the community, the country and eventually the world. I promise, it will be revolutionary. I know that is a tall order but I will start out small. I will plant the seeds by giving examples of how, when we TAKE THE TIME, to show someone that they are seen and heard, we can lift them up in ways that can make a difference.
Example #1 - Here‘s a screen shot of a text conversation I had with my good neighbor and friend, Glenda. She sent me a video and the text above. In the video she lifts the lid of the box and it reveals that she has organized all of her cards. When I received the text, my heart was so full. It’s so cool to be thought of when someone gives us credit for getting them organized - and for me, seeing that she organized her cards was a double cool thing!
Glenda, could have easily organized her cards, went about her day and maybe never even mentioned to me that she did that. If that were the case, no one would be hurt, no damage would occur - life would go on and all would be fine. But instead, Glenda stopped long enough to think of me, make a video and send it to me. She TOOK THE TIME to do all three steps. In her thoughtful mind, it was important enough for her to go thru all three steps in order to let me know. Since I know that Glenda is one busy lady, this gesture went straight to my heart. I smiled for a long time after receiving that pinch. I had a pep in my step because it made me feel great that I had something to do with her accomplishment.
Example #2 - is an excerpt from an email. Rachel Rooney, the Senior Director of Philanthropy for the Boys + Girls Club of Metro Denver, wrote me a note and it meant so much for me to receive it. In this portion of the email, Rachel is letting me know that these things were happening at the club that the Broncos are heavily involved in. She thought I ought to know. Her gesture made me feel important, remembered and special. As busy as Rachel is overseeing the philanthropy for 20 Boys+ Girls Clubs, she TOOK THE TIME to write every one of these happenings that day. She wanted to share all of this with me. What an honor for her to use her time to tell me these things:
“I was just in the Broncos Club tonight and thought you’d like to hear just a few things I witnessed:
As I was setting up for an event, a Club member accidentally hit me with a soccer ball…to which he quickly exclaimed, “I’m so sorry, Miss!” 😊thank you, outstanding manners!
120 children squealing with delight as they received donuts from our friends at Dunkin’ and a swag bag with Dunkin’ branded items (including a $5 gift card)…remarking ”I love donuts SO much!”, “How much is on our credit card?!”, “Can you come here every week?” and more…our kids can seriously make you feel like super heroes for the smallest things!
A toothless grinning 6 or 7 year old cheering on Mr. Rich for opening her water bottle (again, see super heroes comment above LOL)
A young teen apologizing to Mr. Rich for his behavior the night before (unprompted!)
A 22 year-old former club member stopping by in his work truck to deliver a big stocking full of toys because he wanted to give toys to the kids and support HIS Club
Another former club member talking with Mr. Rich about volunteering at next Sunday’s Broncos game and Mr. Rich sharing how afterwards, he can come back and get some food and toys and new shoes for his kids if he would like
A kid glowing as Mr. Rich and another parent bragged on how they saw him hit a buzzer-beating half-court shot last week to win the game
And a whole lot more!!
All to say, magic of all shapes and sizes happens constantly at all of our clubs because people like YOU help us make sure they stay open and full of excitement and endless opportunity. “
Example #3 - came via text today. The text is from my hub’s assistant Kelly. She is a newly wed, who is at the age when everyone is getting married so there are bachelorette parties, rehearsals and dinner parties so those events take up a lot of time with travel and overnight stays etc. Add to that busy schedule, she works her tail off for the Bronco’s organization as the Executive Director of Football Ops / Special Advisor to the GM. The fact that she TOOK THE TIME to tell me this in the middle of writing up an important document made me feel “seen and heard”.
Who wouldn’t want to know that they effected someone enough to turn their day around? That is the kind of thoughtful pinch that can’t be bought and it can have lasting benefits for someone to receive.
These are just three examples of thoughtful people TAKING THE TIME out to make someone’s day. We all want to know that others are thinking of us. We all want to know we made someone better or helped them be a better version of themselves. This is human nature. These gestures need to be the newest trend, influence, behavior etc. I am going to help bring this mainstream soon. For now, TAKE THE TIME to let someone know they rock.