Twitter: Just posted "Me Day part 2" on Yes!
Lately, I have been having the conversation with my eight year old son about using his words to tell me what he wants instead of using his words to tell me what he doesn’t want. By listing off 50 foods that he doesn’t want for breakfast doesn’t bring me any closer to giving him what he does want. If he wants to eat, he should skip the no’s and go straight to yes.
Those who are PURE romantics will probably cringe when I say, “If you really want something for “Me” Day (a.k.a Mother’s Day) you need to skip the no’s and go straight to the yeses.” I like to give my busy hub choices for my Mother’s Day gifts. By nature, my hub is a planner and by me providing a list of choices, it helps him manage his time and expectations. I’m a Practical Romantic - I find nothing wrong with steering my Romeo in the right direction. The element of surprise still exists because he ultimately has to choose a gift yet I saved him the agony of guessing. I also believe that since he’s someone who likes to get things done correctly, I set him up to succeed - as any good partner would do. Most Mother’s Days I’m very happy to receive flowers. The hub gets me flowers from a wonderful local spot called Browne & Greene. Besides having a wonderful sense of arranging, these floral designers offer their patrons an ice cold beer while they work their magic. Win-win.
Here's my wish list:
My obsession with the Tory Sport store in Mall of America is fueled because I'm enjoying the game of tennis these days. Somehow these bags inspire me even more. Option #1 - a backpack or the gym bag. I'd be delightfully surprised by either!
Option #2 - a kit from 23 and Me because I love to dive into my health and learn about why I do certain things!
Option #3 - I noticed while I was reading my daily Skimm, there was this link to Ringly. I never wore a fitbit before but I think I'd wear one of these. So cool!
Oh, it's very precious to get the handmade cards and self-made portraits from the kids -those are the gifts we receive as a Mother. The analogy is this: If you're offered a cinnamon roll (sweet thoughtful pinches from your kids) but you're really craving Eggs Benedict (Tory Burch tennis bag from your hub) its ok to ask for the eggs. Both options are delicious but skip the no's and go straight to yes! If you really want to drink champagne with other wonderful moms without your kids around (see Me Day post) or receive some jewelry or find out about your health on Mother's Day - a.k.a "Me" Day - be very thoughtful and tell your hub what you really want. That's what a good partner does.