Instagram Message: The suit we bought this year will fit him much better. Beau's thrilled to find eggs this Sunday. Check the blog and find out what's inside them.
I had so many days to get ready for Easter but I waited until the kids went back to school before I turned back into my usual “chicken-with-my-head-cut-off” self. I should mention that I have been working on myself “spiritually” for Easter - which I’m proud of - but I probably could have been preparing for the kids and myself simultaneously. You know, multi-tasking. Something I feel like I haven’t done all Spring Break (sixteen days in a row). Non-multi-tasking has been so blissful that I almost didn’t want my kids to go back to school this week.
These bunnies are thinking about being thoughtful. Cute pens that I bought on sale at Kiddywampus.
For the device lover in your life. Devices always need to charge at some point. On sale at Target.
On sale at Target - Sending to my brother's family for decorating their soon-to-be new home.
Grew up with See's candy. Sending these to some deserving little ones.
Easter Checklist:
Out of town family. The one thing I did weeks ago in order to prepare for Easter was buy the Easter cards - I buy at least sixteen cards. Instead of buying the usual holiday card packages that come in quantities of six or eight, I spent time picking out cards for everyone to make it more personal (Dollar Tree for those on a budget). I wasn’t planning on sending out any thoughtful pinches with the cards this year but I woke up today and decided that I was going to make it happen. They are terribly small pinches but nonetheless, I am so glad I sent them out. I want our families to know we are thinking of them on this special holiday.
Food. By the skin of my teeth, I made reservations for brunch at our club before it was full. Phew! Now all I have to do is practice manners with my kids so we can actually enjoy the meal.
Clothes. My son asked for a new suit for his First Communion. If he wears the suit for Easter and plays in the piano recital in a couple of weeks then the cost per wear will keep going down. So he is all set for this holiday. My daughter on the other hand…
The annual Egg Hunt. My hub is in charge of this. It always takes place after church in our yard (last year it was in a hospital room at Mayo). Our kids are the only participants. This year, I’m stuffing the plastic eggs with coins, cash and Sebastian Joe bucks to use towards ice cream cones at the local ice cream shop. When the kids were younger, I would just use their left over Halloween and Valentine’s Day candy to put in the eggs. Recycling and re-gifting at it’s finest. I can’t get away with that anymore so we’re just skipping the candy except jelly beans. A little egg full of jelly beans here and there can't hurt anyone.
Baskets. The other day when my son said he hoped he got something cool in his basket like he did last year, I realized I needed to get STUFF to put in the Easter baskets! He will get the shoes he really wants (but doesn’t need because he already wears his Steph Curry shoes every day) and my daughter will get some hair chalk, clothes and a gift certificate for a pedicure.
Teacher gifts. Like our families, I was also going to skip giving thoughtful pinches to the teachers. My rationale was that some teachers may not celebrate the holiday so it could be awkward. I decided it wasn’t awkward to be thought of so I’m on the hunt for something small to give to them on Friday.
Flowers. If I get all of the items above taken care of and I have time, I will put together the arrangements for the holiday. But if I start to panic I know I can rely on my trusty Arts and Flowers to put something together for me. I am considering having Arts and Flowers put together some pinches for the teachers. See item #6.
I may get a chance to put a flower arrangement together like I did a few years ago.
After I organized my check list I went onto Pinterest to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. Big mistake!! I love being exposed to all the creative ideas but I hate feeling inadequate for not doing these things for my family. To make this Easter more memorable, I know I could take an extra hour or five to accomplish Pinterest-worthy details but I’ve decided to choose ease and sanity. I have to believe that some years I’m going to go the extra mile and some years I’m going to take the easy way out. Either way, the thoughtfulness is never wasted or lost because the whole point of this holiday is about renewal and rebirth. How much better is it to start something fresh if things are easier? This year, it’s Happy Easy-ter!